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Thursday, December 29, 2016

December 21, 2016 Minutes

Old Business
  • Art Gallery Quilt Show - registration form went to members in email. Contact Debbie Grifka if you have questions.
  • Sewing Retreat at Hankerd Inn - retreat is full, however if you want to attend, it is possible that you could stay in one of outer buildings. Contact Amanda if you have questions.  Amy S. passed on the information that Amanda would like to give up the Retreat Chair position. Amy is willing to take it over since she ends up having to deal with payments, etc. anyway.
  • Vintage and Antique Sewing Machine class - Kathy discovered this is actually a 2-day class so the board will need to work on whether we can do this with our current location (cost and availability). Kim noted that if we did it Sept 30 and Oct 1 that would be one day in each month.  Current plans are for March. See November minutes for the responses to questions raised at the last meeting.
  • Next Sew-In will be January 7. Kathy will send registration email out.
New Business
  • Charity quilts - 
    • Karen held a drawing to reward those who participated in some way to our charity quilt offerings.  The winner was Kim U. (gift card to Pink Castle).  
    • Reminder that after the January meeting, Maggie will take over as Charity chair.
    • In 2016 we donated 9 quilts to the PULSE (Florida) effort, 6 to Mott's and 4 to the VA. 
  • Our MQG dues have been paid for 2017. We came in right at the cut off before the higher rate.
 The rest of the meeting included sharing our favorite "make" (did not need to be quilt related), show and share, our Yankee ornament swap, and holiday party.

Reminder that our January meeting will be elections and bylaw review.  For those who are on FB, respondents to the "Bylaw Bingo" questions will be entered into a drawing.  If anyone wishes to run for an office, be on a committee or chair a committee, let any of the board members know.

Friday, December 2, 2016

November 30, 2106 Minutes

Old Business
  • This is the last meeting at Cavalry. Future meetings will be held at the Nonprofit Enterprise at Work (NEW) Center @ 1100 N. Main St. Ann Arbor.
  • Reminder that membership dues are past due for 2017.
  • MQG decision: the Board has decided to remain in MQG for 2017. We will revisit the decision in April following a letter that is being sent to National outlining our concerns.  Amy D. will also be attending the leadership breakfast at QuiltCon and she will see if there are positive changes in the works.
  • We had 2 sew-ins at the NEW center.  One was in the larger room and one in the smaller.  Both worked well although obviously we can't have as many participants in the smaller room (10-12 in larger, 7 max in smaller). 
  • Art Gallery Quilt Show - Debbie Grifka has been planning for the Quilt Show in March (entire month). She will be sending out guidelines and more information shortly.  There will be a $10 per quilt administration fee. She noted that the Gallery does publicity and holds a reception on the first Friday of the month.  We also can hold our own reception and/or publicity.  Deadline for quilts is January 11 - they do not need to be ones you've made new for this event.  Also, she reminded members that you can offer your quilts for sale if desired and the gallery gets a 15% commission.
 New Business
  •  December meeting is our holiday party. If you like, you may bring cookies or a savory to share. The Board will also be providing some fruit/veggie-type offering.  Also, please bring your FAVORITE MAKE to show. We plan on gathering in a circle and just showing off the item and saying our name to help us get to know each other better.  Your item does not need to be a quilt.
  • Sewing Retreat at Hankerd Inn - we have the minimum attendees (currently 15).  Cost is $145 for Friday through Sunday, $180 if you also want to come early on Thursday (currently only 1 or 2 have said they want to come early).  If we have early arrivers, you can arrive anytime on Friday.  Question was asked if someone could opt out of the meal plan (and pay less) - Amanda will check.
  • Kathy presented a proposed one day retreat at NEW to learn how to maintain and restore vintage and antique machines. The vendor (Sew Purty) is out of Kentucky and he has offered to give us his lower price of $250 per person. It looks like we have enough interest to probably fill the class (maximum of 11 attendees).  If we hold it at NEW we can probably do it in conjunction with the normal sew-in.  NOTE: It looks like this is a 2-day class so we may need to get some more information or figure how to make that work with our Center space. 
    Questions were raised [here are the answers Kathy found out after the meeting]:
    • Will March work for the workshop >  We have a workshop in Warrenton, MO on the weekend of the 24th-25th but otherwise March is open  
    • How old is old > I think most people consider vintage as being pre-plastic, but lots of people consider the Singer 401, 403, 501 "vintage" and they have a plastic gear in them. Some consider the machines from the 70's vintage and they are loaded with plastic. Personally I don't care myself. Anything someone wants to clean and shine and try to get running is ok with me. Plastic cleans just like paint (usually without the danger of damaging it) and the bright parts polish just the same (most of the time easier).
    • Can I bring my serger to repair > Sergers are fine as long as they keep one thing in mind; I service and repair the ones my wife and her cousin use but that pretty much sums up my experience with them. I've not worked on them extensively but I will be glad to tackle one. If someone does bring one though, I'd like it known that I can't leave the rest of the group waiting on me while I spend a great deal of time with one. If there is something that needs extensive time spent on it, I always am available to stay late on both days to deal with those kind of issues but after the others have left, so as not to take away from their time. I will do my best to help though should someone bring one and, as I said concerning the plastic sewing machines, they clean and polish just as well as a painted machine.
    • My machine is in cabinet and I don't think it will come out or does he have instructions on how to get it out > Machines in cabinets are welcome, and if they need assistance removing the machine from the cabinet so they can bring the head only I will try to help out with that too. I would just need that person to contact me and I'll need to know if it is a wiring issue that is preventing them from removing it or just not sure how to get the machine loose. I may need a picture too, but whatever the issue I will talk them through getting it out.
    • Can I attend without a machine >  As for someone coming and not have a machine, I have many antique and vintage machines that can serve as guinea pigs. My purpose for the workshop is that everyone leave with the knowledge and confidence needed to start cleaning and bringing back more machines than just the machine they have at the workshop. Although a person learns more by watching something done than reading about it, there is much more retained when a person gets their hands on. So yes, they are welcome to come without a machine but I will make sure there is an extra one they can take apart, clean, polish, and get working again 
    • Will he hold spots for our guild to fill for the class for a period of time so that we have priority > yes 
  • Charity quilts - reminder that next month we will have our drawing for members who have created or worked on charity quilts so be sure to put your name in the bowl.
  • Lynn Harris class - is on Saturday, we have 16 members signed up.  It will be from 10am-6pm. Kathy will send out a reminder email for supplies and the code for the building.
  • QuiltCon - 5 members are attending
  • 2017 Officers - reminder to let the board know if you are interested in running for office or filling a chair spot.  Karen announced that she will not be doing Charity Chair.  Maggie expressed interest.  Currently the rest of the current board is planning on running again, but no one is adverse to having others run as well.
  • In lieu of skill school, Giedra held a sharing session for tips or lessons learned.  Here are few of them: 
    • Sythropol really does work to remove or prevent dyes doing bad things to your quilt (keeps dyes in the water instead of reattaching to your quilt)
    • Retayne is another product that will seal dyes in
    • Orvis quilt soap can also be found at Tractor supply for washing sheep/horses - same soap, larger quantity, lower per unit price
    • Quilt Clapper can be used to press seams in place - It is a large wood block used after steaming the seam then weight it down with clapper to absorb the moisture for a crisper seam
    •  Universal adjustable sewing table (Sew AdjusTable) can be used with any sewing machine and is great for retreats
    • Machingers gloves work great for machine quilting
    • Silicon spray on machine bed also works well for machine quilting
    • Basting techniques: board basting, thread basting, 2x4 frame on chairs with tack gun, lots of pins
  • Library report
  • Swap/Challenge - members showed off what they made using a novelty print
    • NEXT MONTH: Ornament exchange/yankee swap
 Next meeting: December 21st, NEW Center, 6:30pm

Sunday, November 6, 2016

October 26, 2016 Minutes

Old Business
  • Debbie G presented her proposed quilt exhibit guidelines at the Riverside Arts Gallery in Ypsilanti in March.
    • Deadline for submissions is January 15th
    • Quilts do not need to be ones you create brand-new for the show
    • Can offer your quilt for sale - gallery gets a 30% commission
    • Committee to select quilts will be:  Debbie, Kim, Brenda (R-G?), Amy S., Jackie M., Teri.  Anyone else interested can contact Debbie or Amy D.
  • Dues due at tonight's meeting for 2017.  
    • Cost: $42 which can be paid via PayPal 
    • (unless you pay check or money order then you get discounted rate of $40)
  • Sew-Ins @ NEW Center
    • November 5 (Saturday)
    • November 13 (Sunday)
    • Cost $15 per event which covers continental breakfast, snacks and lunch
  • Teaching event
    • Lynn Carson Harris will be offering a class at NEW on Saturday, December 3
    • Cost and other details to be sent out in email and FB 
New Business
  • First Annual Introduce a Friend to Modern Quilting
    • The guild set up stations around the room where guests could visit and ask questions about various aspects of modern quilting - everything from fabric selection to binding as well as techniques such as EPP, paper-piecing, applique, etc.
    • There was a good turnout and it seemed to be enjoyed by the existing membership as well.
  • SWAP 
    • Secret Stalker Swap ensued
    • Seems like everyone was on target for their stalkee and everyone really enjoyed the mini-quilt they received.
    • Next month's swap will be a "Challenge" (you get to keep what you work on) > The challenge is "use a novelty print in a project" and bring it to share of course!
  • Round Robin
    • Participants showed off their quilts
    • Due to the number of people who wanted to pull their quilts out for awhile, it was decided to put the RR on hiatus until January.  
Thank you to this month's snack bringers, Emily & Jody.
Next month's snacks are Pam (snack) and Karen (drink).

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Meeting Location Changes

Just a reminder about upcoming meetings and locations in case you missed the announcements or want to join us for the first time:

November 30:  Last meeting at Calvary church, 1415 Miller Ave., Ann Arbor.  Meet and greet at 6:00pm, meeting starts at 6:30.

December 21:  First meeting at our new location - the NEW Center, 1100 N. Main St., Ann Arbor. Same times.  This meeting is our holiday party, so please feel free to potluck cookies or other goodies!  Note for your calendar - the meeting is not on the last Wed due to the holiday.

Then in January we are back to our schedule of last Wednesday of the month, at NEW Center.

Monday, October 17, 2016

September 28, 2016 Minutes

Old Business

  • MQG Derivatives discussion - National has pulled their blog posting on this topic and apologized for the confusion it caused.

  • Teachers/Classes
    • Giedra did hear back from Chris Thompson (Tattooed Quilter) but it looks like the December date would be hard to fill for members plus response seemed lukewarm on the topics he was willing to teach. 
    • A straw poll of members in attendance indicated that members would be more interested in bringing in a local teacher - possibly even utilizing some of our own guild talent.  Also suggested that we ask Brenda for teachers that are close by (so not necessarily guild members but maybe less of travel expenses).  Might want to check into what Chicago guild has to offer and/or teachers they've brought in.
    • Topics people are interested in include: 
      • Quilting (free motion) - one possible teacher might be Sue Nichols
      • Improv - possible teachers Lynn Harris, Kathy Schmidt
      • Another idea might be guild-led such as everyone decide to work on the same pattern (like a bag) and we all help each other out
  • Introduce a Friend to Quilting Night - October 26th (regular meeting night @Cavalry)
    • Amy D will send a google doc out to everyone asking for sign-ups
    • Suggested topics: fabric selection, cutting, piecing, pressing, squaring, quilt sandwich, binding, EPP, quilt math, patterns - what to start with for beginners, paper piecing, applique
    • Members should plan on bringing their own samples of various techniques so we can show examples

New Business
  • A proposal has been brought to the Board to withdraw from MQG in 2107 because of how much it costs versus the value received for all members. The Board has decided to see if it is feasible and to investigate the pros and cons. A straw poll was taken of members present and about 50% stated they would like to withdraw and 50% stated they didn't care one way or the other.  There was no one who said they would like to keep paying membership to National.  Members present did indicate that they would like to see a list of the benefits that national provides members.
  • Swaps - Secret Stalker Swap due at October meeting (we figure it will be fun to show the "friends" in attendance)
    • The Board is excited to announce that we will have a new meeting location soon.  We are signing an agreement to be an Affiliate at the New Center (1100 N. Main St.).  This gives us:
      • 2 meetings per month - so we plan on having our regular meeting plus sew-ins and/or teacher events
      • a permanent mailing address
      • photocopy and fax capabilities
      • nice view
    • We will start meeting there at our December Holiday Party meeting (December 21st at present but we will discuss if there is a better date for folks)
    • Our October (Oct. 26) and November (Nov. 30) meetings will still be at Cavalry.
    •  A Question was asked what the cost would be to have an extra day (beyond our two meetings).  The Board will research this and get back to everyone.
  • It was suggested that the Board look into the Craft Industry Alliance.
  • Quilt Show Committee - a committee has been formed.  Interested in joining? Contact Amy D or Debbie G. 
  • Elections - reminder that elections are in January. It looks like all the existing board will run again, but competition is a good thing.  Feel free to nominate yourself (or have someone nominate you) if you'd like to run for any office.
  • Library - books galore, let Kim U know if you want any specific ones brought to the meeting
  • Skill School - Kathy K gave a presentation on creating a bit-mapped or pixelated quilt
    • Some options for how to create your pixellation:

    1. Online services like www.youpatch.com - a service where you send in a photo and for $9.50 they email you a pattern with yardage requirements
    2. Free apps or websites
      1. Lemberg Patchwork Pattern Maker http://lemberg.co.uk/showcases/patchwork-pattern-maker
      2. CH Mosaic (iPhone app) [Color Hints Mosaic) [this is what Kathy used for her Whoot! quilt)
      3. Pic 2 Pat www.pic2pat.com 
    3. Upload a file in your browser and save to computer - good blog tutorial at modernquiltersireland.blogspot.com/2015/07/exploring-pixel-quilts.html
    4. Tutorials
      1. Craftsy class - Pictures to Pixel Quilts (free class!)
      2. East Dakota Quilter - uses a more manual method where she takes 5 shades of gray and overlays them on an enlarged b&w photo https://eastdakotaquilter.wordpress.com/2012/11/06/tutorial-designing-a-pixelated-portrait-quilt/
      3. Kristy Daum's Tenth Dr. Who quilt http://www.stlouisfolkvictorian.com/2013/04/pixelingth-finaleotherwise-known-as.html
    5. Create from a cross-stitch pattern (some software packages for embroidery create cross stitch, e.g., Viking's Pro Embroidery System)
    •  What I did for Whoot!
    1. Found a cute owl graphic (think about copyright however!) - what to look for? simple works best although you can get as complex as you like
    2. On my phone I chose the app CH Mosaic. Uploaded the clip art to the app
    3. App gives the choice between triangles or squares. You can also adjust how many squares by how many you want. The less squares, the easier to do, but you may lose detail. More squares = more detail.
    4.  Click "Mosaic" and see if you like. If not, go back to your graphic and adjust.
    5. You can also decide how many colors you want. Again a balance between enough color to detail your graphic and not too much to make it a nightmare to match colors. I chose 5 for Whoot! which turned out to be perfect for the Michael Miller challenge fabric I had on hand.

  • Round Robin (more members are always welcome to jump in!)
  • Swap ensued - favorite fat quarter swap.  Secret Stalker next month.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

August 31, 2016 Minutes

Thank you to Kim Ulrich for taking minutes in my absence ~ Kathy

Old Business

  • Geidra heard from Christopher Thompson (The Tattooed Quilter). He is open December 2-3 or 9-10. There appears to be more interest for the 2nd & 3rd of December. To ensure interest in this, a survey may be sent out to confirm attendance.
  • Charity Quilts : Pulse quilts were due this evening. We did receive more and they are being sent out this week.
  • There is still a need for volunteers for the October "Bring a Friend" meeting. Amy D. is going to send out an email with specific areas where volunteers are needed.
  • There is a GLAMP ticket available if anyone is interested in purchasing it.
New Business

  • Following discussion by members in attendance on the recent Modern Quilt Guild's blog post on 'Derivative Quilts', the consensus is to take a 'wait and see' attitude before pursuing any action.
  • Riverside Art Gallery Quilt Show
    • Recently three of our members had quilts on display at Riverside Art Gallery. Debbie had a conversation with the curator who was interested in having a modern quilt show there. If so, the possibility is that a show could be in March, June, or Fall 2017. There is a $200 charge to use the space, however we could have an entry fee to help defer the cost. 
    • We would need to have guidelines on quilts in the show.
    • Once we submit the application form, we will receive more specific information on the gallery space. If members decide to sell their quilt, the Gallery gets 30%.
    • It appears there is membership interest in this show so the Board is looking for individuals to be part of a committee to coordinate the event. If you are interested, please contact Amy D. or Debbie.
  • Library: If you would like to request a book, please let Kim U. know.
  • Swap/Challenge
    • This month we had a few members share some UFOs they completed. 
    • Those members who decided to participate, chose their Secret Stalker Swap partner.
    • Next month (September) we will be having a Favorite Fabric Yankee Swap. If you would like to participate, bring a fat quarter of your favorite fabrics wrapped. 
  • Features:
    • Member Spotlight "What Inspires You?": Ann and Jenny shared what inspires them.
    • Skill School: Jackie shared a technique on foundation piecing.
    • Round Robin
    • Show and Share

Thursday, July 28, 2016

July 27, 2016 Minutes

Old Business
  • Giedra has not heard back from Christopher Thompson (The Tattooed Quilter) on our proposed class for September 16/17.  Following discussion on how to proceed, the Guild suggested that we not try to push for this date as it would only give us one meeting to get attendees. Giedra will continue to try to connect with him and possibly set up a different date, but she will also try to connect with other teachers.  One suggested teacher would be Kristi Schroeder, Initial K Studio.  She also is suggesting we have a get together on that weekend instead.
  • Creative Passions Retreat - a positive report was given regarding the retreat this month (clean, comfy, good lighting/seating, also lots of room in the building we were at (CP2)).  Main negative was that we did not have the attendance so the guild was on the hook for more money than was covered by attendees.  Fortunately, the owner of Creative Passions agreed to allow us to take the extra amount and use it as credit for a future retreat instead of just losing that money.
  • Bring a Friend to Quilting - Amy D is planning this event for the October meeting.  We would have demos on methods/techniques, modern quilting vs traditional, tools, tips, etc. She will be asking for volunteers, so anyone who would like to participate are encouraged to contact her. We discussed that this is the meeting we will be doing our Secret Stalker Swap so we would curtail most of our regular meeting items to allow time for all. 
  • Charity quilts - we showed off the quilts in progress (some completed) for Quilts for Pulse project for Orlando.  All quilts to be done by August meeting and we will ship them as one package.  There were also a couple finished for the Veterans (Red White Blue).  Yay Guild!
New Business
  •  Swaps/Challenge
    • Next month's challenge is our UFO challenge - pick something that has been languishing, finish it and bring it to show off.
    • Also next month we will be choosing our Secret Stalker partners. This time we will be including scraps from your own collection that your stalker can include in the mini. Project will be to create a mini that fits the person you are stalking, incorporating at least some of the scraps your partner has provided.  You do not need to use all the scraps or feel you need to make the entire mini out of them.
      • Bring to the next meeting (or drop off to Round Robin bin at Pink Castle):
        • Small amount of scraps that can be incorporated into a mini
        • A piece of paper with your name and all the social media personal tags (@) you use (e.g., Facebook (if public), Instagram, Flikr, Pinterest, Ello, BLOG, website
    • Tonight's swap was Pouches! Yankee swap ensued. Fun was had.
  • Greater Ann Arbor Guild Quilt Show - please support our 'other' A2 guild next weekend at their bi-annual quilt show.  It will be at Washtenaw Community College. Sat 9-5 and Sun 11-5. There will be vendors and over 300 quilts including many from our own guild. Cost is $6 and entry can be used both days.
  • APQS (longarm vendor) will be in Canton at the Hampton Inn on August 2nd if anyone is looking to test drive a longarm.
  • We discussed options for fund raising for the guild. It appears to be the consensus the members would prefer a raise in dues to pad the coffers instead of dealing with fund raising. The Board will take this up at a later date.
  • If anyone is looking for a Featherweight, Amy S has a friend who is selling one for $300. Contact Amy for more information.
  • Jude suggested we consider for our charity quilts the Child Gynological Cancer organization which helps children age 5-18 going through this.  They collect lap quilts and give them to the children when they start chemo and are looking for about 10 per year.  This will be passed to the Board and Charity Chair for consideration.
  • Jude also noted that she needs a place to stay (lodging) at QuiltCon in Savannah so if anyone can assist her, please let her know.
  • Library list has been updated - pdf on blog (Kathy will be uploading it in a few days).  Kim will not be lugging as many books to meetings, so if you have ones you want her to bring, let her know prior to each meeting.

  • What Inspires You?  (4 members shared what inspires them to quilt and keep quilting!)
  • Skill School - Debbie Grifka shared how she creates a "Skinny Binding"
    • She cuts 1-1/4" wide strips.  These are not double folded.
    • She presses under 1/4" along one edge to make it easier to stitch down
    • Rest of the process is like regular binding, sew to front, hand stitch to back, miter corners
  • Round Robin
  • Show and Share

Monday, July 25, 2016

June 29, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Thanks to Amanda Coulter for stepping in and taking notes!

Old Business

Foodie Challenge: The winner of the challenge (by a landslide) was announced (Brenda Rowley-Gray, with her entry of "Carrots").  The guild thanked Giedra for her considerable work in coordinating the challenge.

Charity Quilts:  We collected quilt blocks for both the Red/White/Blue quilts, as well as Quilts for Pulse.  Those interested in contributing who have not yet had the chance can bring finished charity quilts to the August meeting.  At the July meeting we may need to solicit volunteers to help finish / assemble and quilt the charity quilts.

July Retreat: The July retreat was planned for July 14th - 17th at Creative Passions in Chesaning, MI.  Amanda alerted the guild members that we are many people short of making our minimum required for attendance without losing Guild money.  We encouraged more people to sign-up, and collected payments from those scheduled to attend.

October Meeting’s “Introduction to Quilting” event: We will have a science-fair-style event at the October meeting.  The purpose is to introduce newcomers to the stages of making a quilt.  We will man different stations set-up around the room (e.g. cutting, quilting, fabric selection, etc.).  Members are encouraged to bring people to that meeting who either may not know much about quilting, or who might be interested in joining our group.  We may have a raffle and/or prizes, and we will be looking for volunteers to work the tables.

New Business

July Swap: At our July meeting we will exchange quilted pouches.  The guidelines are that pouches must: (1) be a pouch; (2) have a closure; and (3) be quilted.  This will be a Yankee Swap.  There are no size restrictions, and zippers are not required.  Additionally, pouches may be empty (but need not be empty if you are so inclined to fill them).

Library Spotlight:  Kim noted that Amy and Allison contributed new books to our library.  The list of all our library books has not yet been updated, but will be.  Members should send an email to Kim U. to request a particular book for a future meeting.

NEW Spotlight Format:  Future meetings will include a new section where members will “show” or “share” something about quilting, in order to get to know each other as members better.  At this first updated session of Spotlight, Giedra shared a tiny paper piecing project which was inspired by Rashida Coleman Hale (from Cotton + Steel).  Jackie shared the Carolyn Friedlander book “Savor Each Stitch,” and explained a project she made from the book.  Amy P. shared that when Carolyn Friedlander spoke to our guild at a trunk show, Amy was inspired by Carolyn’s comments on “slow stitching,” and it made Amy focus on the process rather than the end product.  Amy S. shared a quilt she made based on a pattern from Debbie Grifka, but adapted to ⅓ the scale.  Amanda shared an idea she is formulating for creating a Sashiko-inspired quilt.

Skills School: Amy S. demonstrated her pattern for a “Scrappy Snowball.”  This pattern includes a paper template. 

Round Robin:  Participants shared progress on round robin quilts, and received new assignments.  Members are reminded that they can join at any time!

Miscellaneous: For anyone interested in attending the November Glamp Stitchalot event, Ida has a ticket to sell.  Contact Ida for details.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Quilts for Pulse

The Board has decided to support the Orlando Quilts for Pulse project. 

Regardless of your political or personal views, we hope that everyone will join in and make at least one block (but hopefully more!) to support this effort to send a quilt to each victim or their family.

The Guild has been signed up to make at least one quilt, but we are hoping that the outpouring is so great we will be able to send even more.  If you are not able to make a block, hopefully you will be willing to piece blocks together, do the quilting or the binding.

Basically it can be any block but the simple one the MQG shared goes together very quickly. Looking for 10-1/2" blocks in rainbow colors with low volume background.  Size of finished quilt in case you are very ambitious would be around 5x6 blocks to make a 50"x60" quilt.

Please bring at least one block to the June 29th meeting where we will coordinate the piecing effort.

The quilt(s) are due to Orlando September 15th so we have a bit of time but the sooner we get these completed, the better.

For more information, see the info from the Mother Ship https://themodernquiltguild.wordpress.com/2016/06/14/quiltsforpulse-charity-drive-with-the-orlando-mqg/ or read the Orlando Guilds post at http://theorlandomodernquiltguild.blogspot.com/

--Kathy Koch

Thursday, June 2, 2016

May 25, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Old Business
  • We did a  check-in to see if anything was needed for the Penny Layman class on the 1st
  • Giedra is still looking for a good meeting space for us
  • Snack sign-ups good for most of the year (thanks!)
  • Charity Quilts: next month bring red-white-blue blocks (any combination). Should be 12-1/2" blocks (to finish at 12" to make 3x4 block quilts for Veterans). Still looking for donations of modern fabrics - we now have a fabric bin.  Also are looking for volunteers to do shared quilts (someone does cutting, another piecing, another the quilting).
  • Foodie Challenge:  we showed off our finished mini-quilts. Show at Zingerman's has been extended by one day to give the Glamp attendees a chance to see them. June 2-5. Winner will be by popular vote (vote at Zingerman's).  Prize sponsored by the Deli and Pink Castle Fabrics.

  • Retreats: 
    • SUMMER: Amanda reported that there are 4 options for a summer retreat (3 Howell dates (Jul 15-17, July 22, Aug 28) and one opening at Creative Passions also on Jul 15-18).  A show-of-hands vote indicated a preference to try Creative Passions so Amanda will book that.  July 15-17, $140 with continental breakfast and optional Thursday arrival (add'l fee).  There is a 24 maximum attendance.  She notes that we do not need to bring our own linens for this venue and supposedly has good chairs and restaurants near-by. www.creativepassionsllc.com/ 203 Pearl St, Chesaning, MI 48616. Amanda will send an email with details to the group - plan on paying at next meeting.
    • WINTER: We will go to Hankerd Inn, planning on Jan. 27-29 weekend.
  • Library Spotlight (new books - See Kim for details!)
  • Member Spotlight: Postponing for awhile. Giedra will announce something different at next meeting.
  • No Skill School this month
  • Round Robin
  • Show and Share

Monday, May 30, 2016

Link Round-Up for May 30, 2016

Amy has gotten very into handwork recently, and has a post with her many handwork projects in progress.  

Her mini for the Ann Arbor MQG Zingerman's foodie challenge (see the link for details on the show; come vote!) is one, done using needle turn applique:

And Dorie posted about her contribution to the same challenge, inspired by her love for LaCroix:

Come out for the show; these are just two of the many awesome mini quilts created for this challenge.

Karen has another baby quilt up...this time in brights, with groupings of blocks into varying, patternless shape sets, for a fun and visually interesting effect.

And finally, Lynn posted both about her quilt "Off the Charts" from her book, and also a really lovely quilt she made for Oakshott, "Crepuscular", and she provides a pattern, too!


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Link Round-Up for May 14, 2016

Debbie G.'s "Inspired by QuiltCon" challenge quilt was a mini inspired by Timna Tarr's work. I love how fun and personal, yet simple, this is:

Her April and May Charity Challenge posts are up with patterns, and she has got a new "Minimal Mini" series going.  See also MM3 and MM4.

Pam L. has a lot going on, as usual, but highlighting just one thing, she's quilting this fox:

Karen finished the Frances Firefly she started at Sewtopia Atlanta and her quilting idea (emulating the dart-y motion of a firefly) is rather interesting, right?

And for Sewtopia she participated in the Michael Miller challenge, making a pretty cute book:

Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 27, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Old Business
  • Snacks
    • Thank you to the following people who signed up for snacks
      (May: Jessica M & Kim N; Jun: Jude F & Maggie W; Jul: Debbie T (we need someone for beverages); Aug: Kim U & Susan U; Sep: Jackie McG & Denise A; Oct: Emily S & Jody E; Nov: Pam E & Karen B.
  • Penny Lehman Class
    • Sign-ups are now closed for the guild and any open spots will be given to the DAMQG.
    • They do need assistance with setup and provision of ironing boards and irons (Contact Giedra or Vicky if you can help)
  •  National Teachers
    • Still working on Chris T for October or November. Looking at having him teach as part of a retreat and probably at Howell so everyone who wants to attend, can.  It was suggested that we make sure he doesn't have a class size limit (Giedra will verify).
  • Sew-Ins and Retreats
    • A test run was held at Ann Arbor Library on April 8th.  It is a nice space with plenty of outlets. Unfortunately it was not well attended.  One big issue is that we cannot have food there and another is that the schedule is very tight for all day sewing (not many Sunday dates available)
    • Giedra has had a look at New Center which also is very nice. More to come on that at future meetings. She feels it is an amazing space but the contact person is out until June 1.
  • Zingerman's Foodie Challenge
    • 16 people have signed up so far - would like to have 20.
    • Final registration form needs to be turned in with your quilt at the May meeting.
    • Make sure your mini-quilt is labeled and has a hanging sleeve or hanging corners.
    • Giedra needs help with hanging the quilts and take down.  Let her know if you are available on Thursday the 2nd and/or Sunday the 5th of June.
    • Results of viewer choice voting will be announced at June meeting.
  • Michigan Avenue Yard Sale
    • Jackie Mills offered her yard but there does not appear to be enough interest to take part so we will table this idea for this year.
  •  MQG membership cards are in.  See Jackie Mills if you didn't get yours.
  • Charity Quilts
    • We have a box for donations (need more!)
    • Members are bringing dies and die cutters to the meeting. Suggested to keep the meeting from running long that members use the social time before the meeting to cut fabric (or quietly while the meeting is running)
    • Pam Lincoln received a letter from Mott. She will forward it to Amy D.
    • Board is continuing to look at the idea of relay or team charity quilts. Contact Karen Burton if you are interested in forming a team.
    • Anyone who takes part in a charity quilt will have their name put in a drawing for a prize at the end of the year.
    • We will also reinstate having a charity corner at all retreats (although it was noted that this is entirely voluntary).
    • Charity challenge - 12-1/2" blocks in red/white/or blue to make quilts for the Veterans. Bring to May & June meetings.
New Business
  • Jackson Pieces and Patches Quilt Guild brought a sample raffle quilt and made a presentation on their Annual Quilt Show which is May 14-15 at Jackson Catholic Middle School.  See http://jacksonquiltguild.blogspot.com for more information.
  • GAAQG is hosting Cathy Miller at the May Quilt Day - May 21.  She also is giving a hexie class on that Sunday. See http://www.gaaqg.com for more details.
  • Casual Quilters of Brighton are having a quilter to quilter sale on May 2nd at St. Patrick's Church.
  • Board is also considering an "Introduce a Friend to Quilting" day.  There was interest in this event from attendees.
Library: 7 new books - all with a modern slant!  See Kim U to borrow.

Member Spotlight: Kim Ulrich

 Skill School: Lynn Harris - Pressing Matters!

We shared our Upcycle Challenge projects (this month's Swap) as well as progress on Round Robin quilts and our monthly Show and Share.

Thank you Pam for taking photos for me. These are a mix of the upcycle challenge and our show and share.  (NOTE: Since we forgot to ask, if you do not wish your photo posted above, let me know and I will remove it.)

~Kathy Koch

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

March 30, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Old Business
  • Sew-Ins
    • Board decided that Quilting Season is probably not going to work for our needs. 
    • Looking into Ann Arbor District Library free space - main branch downtown (see FB page for more details or contact Giedra). First sew-in set for Friday, April 8, 5:00-8:30pm.  No food is allowed at this venue.
    • Looking for May time frame for an all-day sew.
    • A suggestion was made to look into Cleary University in Howell.
  • Foodie Challenge
    • Quilts are due at the May meeting
    • Show is at Zingerman's from June 3-5
    • Open to A2MQG members only
    • There will be a pre-registration form on the FB page and here (BLOG). Need to provide an estimate of size.  Due next meeting (April).
    • Need volunteers to hang and label
  • Membership
    • Jackie has not received membership cards yet from MQG
    • Email was sent to members with a PDF of member emails. Let Jackie know if you did not receive
  • Pie-Making Day Challenge
    • Winner was Ginia Forrester
New Business
  • DAMQG and A2MQG Co-Sponsor Penny Lehman (@sewtakeahike)
    •  Penny will be presenting a paper-piecing class in concert with her teaching at GlampStitchaLot.
    • Wednesday, June 1, 10am-2pm, Location in Canton - Cost: $45
    • Attendees will receive a Faygo and Guild logos in order to complete their project which is a hot pad
    • Each guild gets 10 spots - first come, first served.  If you want to attend let Giedra know immediately.  However, spots will be saved by check received by her - it won't hold your spot to just say your intent.
  • Giedra is working on getting Chris Thomson (the Tattooed Quilter) to give a class in early fall. It will probably be a one day class on one of these dates > Sep 10-11, Sep 17-18 or Oct 15-16. We will not be hosting Lizzy House at present due to cost and too fast a turnaround to find a suitable location.
  • Giedra would like members to give her ideas on what they want to learn - what she should be looking for when bringing in national or local teachers.
  •  Retreats
    • Amanda is working with Giedra on ideas for bringing in teachers to a retreat
    • Still looking at possible dates for Late June thru August
    • Ideas for location include Hankerd Inn, St. Johns retreat in Plymouth, Howell Nature Preserve, or Creative Passions (which is almost to Birch Run)
  • Guild is re-instituting a snack sign-up for the social 1/2 hour before the meeting. We need volunteers for next meeting.
  • The Board is looking into doing the Hwy 12 / Michigan Ave Yard Sale.  We can use Jackie's yard, but she will be out of town.
  • Charity Quilts - Amy S bought a box and added some fabric to start for kits or backs.  A suggestion was made to have a 'pass along' project where someone signs up for cutting, someone else piecing, sewing, quilting, binding...   We will be able to promote the sale of the eBay auctions at the Foodie Challenge - Zingerman's will have a space for signage (not big enough to show the quilts themselves).  The Board plans on future charity projects to just donate the entire quilt to the charity to let them auction it themselves.
  • Library
    • We are taking advantage of Pink Castle's book sale and will be purchasing approximately 6 modern quilt related books for the guild library.  Debbie G noted that she and other get a discount with Fons & Porter (F&W publishing) plus several members have wholesale accounts (e.g., Checker) where they can purchase books often at 40% discount. 
    • There is a book missing from the library - if anyone knows the where-abouts of Kathy Schmidt's "Rule Breaking Quilts", let Kim know.
    • It was also suggested that members follow various blog hops to attempt to win books for the library
    • Anyone with good modern quilting books they no longer need, please feel free to donate
  • Member Spotlight - Amy Stevenson ; next month - Kim Ulrich
  • Skill School - Cheryl Smallwood demo'd Board Basting
  • Swap
    • Favorite Tool Yankee swap was held
    • next month - Up-cycle Challenge: bring something made by upcycling (e.g., using clothing, vintage linens, bag hardware) - does not need to be a quilt but does need to be 'sewn'
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, April 27

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Koch

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Link Round-Up for March 26, 2016

Karen teamed up with her daughter to make a Jelly Roll Race for her mom.

Pam L.'s Splendid Sampler blocks are coming along nicely, and are very cute):

Debbie G., Jenna, and Rossie are all stops on the blog tour for Casey York's "The Applique Book":

Jenna's Falling Leaves:

Debbie's Paper Chains:

 Rossie's Moments:

And Rossie's Spotlights:

And finally, Lynn has a tutorial on twirling seams:

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Link Round-Up for March 13, 2016

Lynn H. shared completed photos of Coal Seam:

And I don't usually put in more than one picture from one member at a time, but I couldn't pick between the above and this. Lynn has also started sharing a series of quilts and messages relating to domestic abuse:

Debbie has had a bunch of posts featuring the stops on the blog tour for her book.  Each post has a picture of a quilt from the book.  Below I'm sharing the image from Rossie's post of the cover quilt, which she covered on her stop on the tour:

And Debbie also shared the plans for her March charity challenge quilt.

Pam L has a quilt "Polka Dot Playground" in the April/May 2016 issue of
McCalls Quick Quilt magazine:

And finally, Dorie posted about her Pegasus quilt, in which she used a large-scale, but monochrome, print very effectively as a sashing:

Saturday, March 5, 2016

March 2, 2016 Meeting Minutes

NOTE: The February 24th meeting was rescheduled to this date due to inclement weather.

Old Business:

  • Sew-ins / One day retreats - still looking into joining the ongoing open sews at Quilting Season and looking into locations for a one day retreat
  • Membership
    • Members would like to see an updated roster - asking that Jackie sends something out to registered guild members
    • It was also requested that we post a listing of membership and emails on our private Facebook page, however the Board felt that was not appropriate. 
    • To meet both of these requests, Jackie will create a pdf with just name/email and email it to paid members.  If anyone does not wish their name to appear on the list, let Jackie know.

New Business:

  • Kathy will be putting a post on the private Facebook page reminding anyone who has not paid their dues for this year that they will be removed from the page by the next meeting.  If you do get removed and feel this is error, let Jackie know.
  • The Board announced a change in the dues structure. Instead of a tiered structure that changes every month, the dues will continue to be $35 up until June at which point they will drop to $20. Non-members may still attend one meeting free and if they choose not to join, pay $5 a meeting for subsequent meetings. 
  • The Road to California group is having a modern quilt show called "Modern Quilts - Redesigning Tradition". Entries must be received between May 1-Jun 15. The quilts cannot have been shown at QuiltCon 2016.  See more information here: http://www.road2cablog.com/modern-quilting/calling-for-entries-modern-quilts-redesigning-traditions/
  • For the May Guild Challenge, Giedra has put together a challenge and show sponsored by Zingerman's Deli and Pink Castle Fabrics.  Anne offered to help with hanging options since her company put together something similar. See previous blog post for more information. http://a2mqg.blogspot.com/2016/03/ann-arbor-quilt-guild-may-challenge.html
  • Jackson Pieces and Patches Guild has asked if they can come to our next meeting and promote their quilt show and sell raffle tickets. Membership approved this.
  •  Jackie has the photos from last year's Pie Making Day Challenge. She will be putting together a survey for members to vote.
  •  Library Report (Kim U.) - Kim highlighted 3 books for the group
  • Member Spotlight
    • Giedra announced that we are changing the spotlight just a tad. For now Giedra will interview the participant instead of pre-written replies. Also, we will try to limit the number of quilts to 5-6 that the participant really wants to share.
    • Tonight's spotlight was Jess Werner (@craftallthethings)

  • Swaps and Challenges (Emily & Melissa) 
    • February Challenge "Inspired by QuiltCon"
      • There were six participants. Rossie provided prizes from QuiltCon.
      • The winner : Giedra (#5)

    • March Swap: "Favorite Tool"
      • Purchase a copy of your favorite tool ($10 and under)
      • Bring it wrapped to the next meeting
      • Yankee swap will ensue
    • Future ideas for swaps & challenges
      • secret stalker swap
      • for April a recycle/upcycle challenge, earth-day-ish, make something unconventional
      • crayon challenge using 2 colors
      • everyone makes the same block
      • curves
      • theme night show and tell
  • Round Robin (Emily/Melissa)
    • Started back up this month. Let the chair's know if you want to jump in.
  •  Other business
    • Skill School : Giedra gave a demo of Piec-lique circles
    • Show and Share
    • Completed charity quilts were shared.
    • Amy Stevenson brought her die cutter for use after the meeting.

 Respectfully submitted,  
Kathy Koch

(Please let me know if you notice any errors or omissions. --kk)