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Saturday, December 2, 2017

November 29, 2017

NOTE: This wasn't mentioned at the meeting, but just in case you didn't get the email from MQG (National) - Andrew (our outgoing rep) is hosting a casual roundtable video chat to introduce our new Region 3 Representative, Heather Kinion, and answer any questions you may have. Please join Andrew on December 11, 2017 at 7pm CST. You can sign up here

Old Business
  • Amanda Jean class - everyone had a great time and learned a lot
  • Mark your calendars:
    • Made by Rae class - January 13, 2018. Cost: $65 for members. There is one spot available!
    • Joe Cunningham class - April 14, 2018
    • Annabelle Wrigley (http://www.littlepincushionstudio.com/) -  will be a class in concert with DAM, September 30, 2018
    • By Annie - planning in progress, will probably also be with DAM sometime in the fall
  • Website changes - www.a2mqg.org - now has photos from Instagram postings (updates once a day)
  • Winter Retreat - March 2-4, Howell Nature Center, bunk beds, catered meals, cost TBD, sign-ups will be soon 
  • Dues are due (see Jackie Mills)
New Business
  • GLAMP - several members attended and had a great time (Giucy Giuce seems to have made the biggest impact with teeny tiny paper piecing). Next year's GLAMP http://info.pinkcastlefabrics.com/glamp-stitchalot-2018 will be November 2018.  Three of the four teachers are 1) Kerry Goulder (@KidGiddy - 'ugly christmas sweater' block fame, she will also creates dies for Sizzix and will be offering a backpack pattern for dolls); 2) Felice Regina (@IamLunaSol - mini quilts and applique e.g., Drama Llama); 3) Jeni Baker (@JeniB320 - color theory showing how one pattern can look so different depending on color choices)
  • Charity quilts - Brenda brought in leftover samples from GLAMP sponsor Maywood Studios. The "Pods" are pre-cuts in kits with a pattern and several pods can be used to make quilts the sizes we need for our charities. Reminder that we have batt and backings to use as well.
  • Next meeting is our Holiday Party, December 27.  Please bring a sweet or savory to share.  We will have a yankee swap gift exchange (sewing notions!)
  • QuiltCon show entries due November 30th.  Good luck to everyone entering!  Our Charity quilt is done except for a hanging sleeve.  After the show we will be donating it to Food Gatherers for them to auction off.
  • MQG Book - the latest MQG book has quilts from three of our members (Dorie, Rossie, Jenna)! We can't wait to see it and think we need a trunk show.
  • MQG's quilt of the month is "Defrag" -  let us know if you didn't get the email with the pattern link - you will need to log in to download.
  •  Elections 2018 - current slate is as follows (but we are still accepting nominations):
    • President - Maggie Wilkin
    • VP Programs - Brenda Rowley-Gray
    • VP Membership - Jackie Mills
    • Sectretary/Webmaster - Kathy Koch
    • Treasurer - Amy Stevenson
  • We also have committees for Library, Round Robin & Swaps, Programs
  • There are a couple MQG webinars coming up: 
    • December 5 - Easy Fabric Dyeing with Sue Bleiweiss
    • December 15 - Effortless Applique with Shelagh Jessop
  • Library (Kim won't be here next month so you get an extra time period for loans)
  • Skill Share - Heather Lentz showed everyone how to make Folded Fabric Stars (or Swedish Stars). Heather is a great teacher!  Here are some of the basics, she recommends the tutorial by Betz White for more details (https://betzwhite.com/2011/12/fabric-star-ornament-tutorial.html)
    • 4 bias strips @ 3" x  14"
    • Fold lengthwise just like you are making binding. Heather sews the open edge closed
    • She recommends the use of Wonder Clips and tweezers!
  • Inspiration / Spotlight - discussion ensued around "Facing Your Fears" (what are you afraid to attempt or that you struggle with?).   Some ideas for future classes or skill schools were: how to on final quilting (Kathy noted that she has an hour powerpoint lecture class on this), but members were also interested in a hands on class; how to sew circles (Giedra offered to show her piecelique circle class again); Basting techniques
  • Round Robin
  • Ornament Swap (see Instagram photos!)
  • Show and Share (ditto)