We need to do a snack sign up! A paper was sent around at the last meeting and filled out. But, the terrible secretary (me, Dorie) can't find it right now. Will keep looking
Classes & Retreats
- Registration for Erin Harris' Make Your Own Medallion class on September 14th is open! Cost is $75 for members. Need a sign up link? Check Facebook.
- Rossie will be teaching improv in April
- Our next retreat is not until January at Creative Passions
- Our June sew-in was popular
- Our August sew-in is held for charity sewing, with the particular idea that it would be a good time to work on a QuiltCon quilt, if we plan on doing that.
- We will be teaching ourselves / workshopping the Sew Together Bag at our October Sew-in
- Our QuiltCon 2019 quilt sold for $425 at Grillin, raising money for Food Gatherers.
- We were contacted by a group interested in hospice quilts, but we would need to consider / vote on changing our guild charities.
- Many Scrappy Pinwheels were made.
- For July, the charity block is "Scrappy Summer" in bright colors. https://cluckclucksew.com/2013/06/finished-scrappy-summer-and-pattern.html?fbclid=IwAR1tWWHf0H5GPk8ip9hOv0jSmNUqARVwt61ZHhe2nPAYS14HQZiM2C3Bqjw
Skills School
- Y'all have skills! Consider sharing them! Maggie is looking for skill school leaders.
- We played a quilty version of "never have I ever".
- Kim has library books for you if you want them!
- Round Robin and Show and Share were awesome as usual.
- Book swap happened.
- Next month's swap is a mug rug. What is a mug rug? https://thepatchsmith.blogspot.com/2012/11/what-is-mug-rug.html