Our November meeting was held via Zoom. There were 23 members, 2 guests in attendance.
Programs: We were thrilled to host guest lecturer, Cheryl Arkison, who spoke on "Improv is my Love Language." The concept of 'love languages' is based on Gary Chapman's book "The 5 Love Languages". For quilters this can translate to these five areas: Quality Control, Replication, Artisanal, Expression, and Improv. Cheryl shared how she actually fits into several of the categories, but Improv is definitely her main love. We got to view so many of Cheryl's wonderful quilts and hear some great stories on her life. Visit her BLOG to see where her journey is taking her next.
Membership: 2022 dues are 'due'. To do so, be sure to fill out the membership form. You may pay on the website via Paypal or by sending a check to Cheryl S.
Charity: Continue working on the improv charity blocks and get them to either Jackie or Brenda. Jackie would also like to get any orphan blocks to hopefully be put together as a charity quilt. She has two quilts that need to be quilted, so let her know if you are able to do so.
Swaps and Challenges: Current swap is a fabric postcard swap. Participants should plan on mailing their cards no later than December 1st.
Sew-Ins: Reminder that we host Zoom sew-ins every Tuesday from 7-9pm. Kathy will re-send the zoom link to members.
Retreat: There are still plenty of openings in the January retreat.
Next meeting: Wednesday, December 29th via Zoom
Show & Share:
Tara Parks >
Ida Copeland >
Brenda Rowley Gray >
Amy Stevenson >
Wendy Betway >
Heidi Kumao >
Cheryl Murphy >