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Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 25, 2018

Old Business
  • Classes -
    • Annabel Wrigley class - close to full (3 slots open). See email or FB for sign-ups.
    • Guicy Giuce class still on target for next April
    • Discussed other possible teachers for next fall and beyond. Suggestions included Heather Givens and Lizzy House.  It was also suggested to the Board the possibility of some of the more expensive national teachers and how it could just be a hosted event by the Guild (not necessarily that the guild would have to feel like covering the entire cost by member attendance).
  • Retreats -
    • Fall Retreat is about 1/2 full.  See your email or FB for sign-up link.
    • Spring Retreat options:
      • Suggested dates - (Kathy will send out a doodle poll to members) - May 3-5; Mar 8-10; Jan 25-27
      • Suggested venue - Kathy is meeting with the owner of 'Artistry on Evans' in Tecumseh to see if this is a viable location.  It is smaller than a lot of the places we've been to but it is brand-new and not too far away. 
  • Skill School - 
    • Maggie put a sign-up sheet on FB.  If you would like to volunteer to teach a skill school at a future meeting, sign-up (or contact Maggie).  "If you've done it once, you can teach it!"
  • Chicago Quilt Swap - everyone (except Sue U) has received their mini.  Members are reminded to email and/or post on instagram your appreciation for your quilt. 
  • Sew-Ins
    • Suggestion that we use the November 10 sew-in as a 'make a bag' day.  Members would like to pick a pattern and have everyone work on the same bag.  Members should either post on FB your pattern suggestions (or send the board via email) and Kathy will create a Doodle Poll to narrow the selection down.
  • Events and Meetings - 
    • Reminder that this weekend is the Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild's quilt show at Washtenaw College.  Cost is $6.
    •  October Guild Meeting will be held at Maker Works, 3765 Plaza Dr. Ann Arbor, https://www.maker-works.com/.  The meeting will include a tour and demos of some of the equipment.
  •  Charity Quilts
    • QuiltCon charity quilt design has been decided (tiny piecing in inset circles).  Rossie will be sending out more information shortly.  It was suggested that we purchase 1/2 yard of each of the suggested colors to make the quilt more interesting. Members will add in low volume backgrounds from their own stash.
    • It was suggested that another charity/support we could take part in is the MSU Teal Quilt project.  Here is a link to a pinwheel pattern.  They are collecting quilts for a year.  If anyone wishes to take part, it is in addition to our regular charity giving projects.
    • It was decided to use the MQG airplane block for the next 2 month's charity block.  Maggie will post a link on the FB page, or you can log in to MQG's site yourself for the pattern/instructions.
    • There were enough Boats Boats Boats blocks (or almost enough) for a twin quilt. Thanks to all who made blocks and to Katie and Sheryl who volunteered to put together the top and make some extra blocks.
    • There are still charity kits and fabric, and some individual blocks available to be made into charity quilts. There is one twin to be quilted.
    • To date, we have donated 5 twin quilts to Ozone house, 7 baby quilts to Motts, 1 to the VA.  Yay guild!
New Business

Swaps and Challenges
  • Secret Stalker Swap sign-ups are happening now (quilts to be given out at September meeting). Brenda posted on FB and Kathy will send out an email.
  • 6 guild members showed off their "Word Challenge" quilts.  Jackie McG won the fabric pack donated by Brenda (and Pink Castle Fabrics).
  • Next month (August) is a Pincushion swap.  This is a Yankee Swap so bring your pincushion wrapped.
MQG - Maggie showed this month's block study and quilt of the month

Skill Share - Cheryl showed her technique for hanging mini-quilts (corner squares).


Round Robin
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Friday, July 13, 2018

June 27, 2018

Old Business
  • Classes:
    • Anabel Wrigley Doodle Quilts, September 30: registration open now for guild members (see email or FB post for link). (NOTE: as of July 13 there are only 2 more spots open - if you are unable to add your name, contact the guild to be put on the waiting list)
      • Expected Student Level of Experience:
        This is the perfect class for experienced and beginner sewers.
      • Class Description of Workshop/Lecture
        This workshop is all about letting go and expressing your color personality through the use of solids. Participants will start by creating a doodle - They will be given 3 opportunities to make the doodle and will then work with their favorite.  We will then focus on color choice and careful tracing and cutting to create the appliqué shapes. As the day goes on, participants will be encouraged to layer shapes on shapes to explore color overlay and to create interesting shapes. Class will then continue with the appliqué sewing and quilting to finish.
    • Giuseppe Ribaudo (aka. Guicy Giuce) - Tiny Piecing class, April 13, 2019,  3-hour class with trunk show, cost TBD, sign-ups closer to the event
    • Please let the Board know if you have any suggestions for national (or otherwise) teachers.  We are looking to have about 2 per year.
  • Retreats: 
    • Fall retreat scheduled for October 5-7 at Creative Passions in Chesaning. We can host 16 attendees (as of this writing, we have 7 spots filled)
    • Spring 2019 retreat - discussion was held as to location and timing as there are a lot of conflicts such as QuiltCon. 
      • A couple of suggestions included:
        • Country Charm Retreats https://www.countrycharmretreats.com/
        • Tecumseh retreat center (Artistry on Evans) http://artistryonevans.com/ 
      • Dorie has volunteered to brainstorm date options
      • Kathy will scope out the Tecumseh location
  • Dye Day:
    • Emily is still willing to host at her house.  She will send date possibilities to Maggie.
  • Sew-Ins
    • Saturday July 7 (this is definitely a 'go')
    • Saturday August 25 (it was noted that this is the same weekend as AQS in Grand Rapids. Maggie still would like to see if we can get a carpool.)
  • Charity Quilts 
    • (this month's block was still Boats, Boats, Boats - continuing on for next month to see if we can get enough for a twin size for Ozone House?)
    • Last Year's QuiltCon quilt was auctioned off at Grillin' and sold for funds for the organization at $405.  Again, thanks to all the guild members who took part in making this quilt!
    • Rossie is finalizing the design ideas for this year's quilt.  She will be letting us know shortly the design choice and tasks.
    • Several members donated quilts they made for charities. 
    • Sheryl made a suggestion that we make Pride Flag quilts for Ozone.  She offered to share some pattern ideas with the group.
    • Reminder that we do have kits, fabric (and batting/backings), and tops that need quilting for our charities. Contact: Jackie McG if you need one of these.
New Business
  • Modern Quilt Guild:  no block study this month. Reminder that QuiltCon registration is open for Nashville, February 21. 
  • Library books available for check out.  Reminder that you do need to be a member to check out books.  Also remember to print your name legibly on the checkout card.
  • Skill school: suggestions were given for future schools
  • Member spotlight: Amy S.  (next month: Dorie)
  • Round Robin
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