It was delightful to party with everyone at our meeting on Wednesday! Thanks for all the treats, eats, and drinks!
Our calendar on the side here will soon be updated for 2014...
Next Sew-In: January 12 12 - 4pm at Pink Castle Fabrics
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 28th at 6:30pm
Swap: Unfortunately I have to double check with Dorie about the swap for January. I'll update this ASAP.
Old Business:
January Retreat:
- Do to a scheduling snafu by the Hankerd Inn, the retreat will now be at the Howell Conference and Nature Center
- Same weekend, Friday - Sunday: January 31 - Feb 2
- Our guild PayPal account will send an invoice for the full payment of $150, to be paid by all attending ASAP.
- The Howell location is a bit more campy- than the Inn. There will be bunk beds, and we will need to provide our own bedding / sleeping bags as well as most sewing supplies (no cutting boards or irons on site). Ginia will be emailing those who book their space with more details.
Other Retreats:
- There was a discussion about having a retreat at the Hankerd Inn the weekend of April 11 - 13, but that was not going to work with many people's schedules. We will probably have an all-day sew-in in the Spring instead.
- The summer retreat is still a go at the Hankerd Inn for the weekend of June 26 - 29th with a discounted rate of $95 for Friday - Sunday.
Modern Quilt Exhibit with Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild: committee needs to set up a meeting. Pam has not heard from Sonia.
Riley Blake Contest: the end date is in February.
- Post pictures in this thread at the MQG site
- Those who wish to participate in a Guild's Choice contest can bring their quilted item to the February meeting. Those participating should being a fat quarter, winner takes all.
Elections: for officer positions will take place in the January meeting. So far the current board is running unopposed.
New Business:
Charity Chairs: are Stephanie K. and Pam L.! We will work on having charity projects throughout the year.
- Quilty Box is gathering Orphan Blocks to make children's charity quilts. More details here! Brenda said you can bring your blocks to Pink Castle Fabrics until the last week of January.
Our Sew-In Policy:
- We need at least 4 people to book a space in order to hold a Sew-In.
- Jenna will give us a rough headcount in the Sew-In reminder post/email.
- There are always free Sunday Sew-Ins at The Quilting Season.
Member Spotlight - Vicky Gaines
- Next month we will learn about Maureen!
Skill School - QAYG for small projects
Round Robin
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