A2MQG Meeting Minutes, June 2021
The Guild is now meeting via Zoom. If you are not receiving Zoom meeting invites as a member, or if you would like to become a member, please contact the Board. Note that guests may attend one free meeting, plus additional meetings for a fee. Contact us for more information.
Minutes, June 2021
Taken by Dorie Blaisdell
Laura Hartrich will be speaking on quilt labels at our next meeting. She is a national speaker who
will also be at QuiltCon this year.
We’re considering whether or not to keep our Zoom account once we start having in-person meetings
regularly. It seems there is still value there for board meetings, poor weather fallbacks, and maybe
running during in-person meetings for remote attendees.
Mail in your wonky stars! And make them! They can be mailed to Jackie or Brenda.
Color challenge quilt! Not due until August
Brenda will re-send the DEI statement and we will vote to approve it at the August meeting.
Community outreach quilt - idea from Amy S. - We discussed using Amy’s fugitive flower pattern
(paper pieced). We would use most of the selected colors, minus the green. We are going to send
out a survey to gauge participation interest.
Convo topic: What’s your most hoarded fabric? Most desired fabric?
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