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Sunday, March 12, 2017

February 22, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Old Business
  • The Board met with Alissa Carlton (MQG Executive Director).  Here are notes from the meeting:
    • The purpose of the derivative post was directed towards being an instruction for quilters who were copying art works directly with their quilts for QuiltCon - not meant to be a statement on quilting inspiration, etc.
    • The post was a symptom of a larger issue of communication and not getting input from members before posting
    • In the past they have had committees (and will still have some) but are now looking to developing task forces
    • Any member can suggest an idea for a task force (on website)
    • And she said we could email her anytime with concerns.

      Our concerns:
      • Often when MQG asks for volunteers, they ask for too much experience or don't act like they really want or appreciate - need to be more inclusive
      • Same when suggestions are made, we've met some resistance 
      • Need to include smaller guilds when they put together focus groups - not just the large guilds [she said most guilds are actually our size in the 35-55 size range]
      • Concern that we would like better contact with regional guilds, concern that maybe our regional rep is not really in our region (geographically) [she clarified that the regions are not geographic necessarily - not midwest - but rather a way to make sure each of the regions has approximately the same number of members and representations]
      • Andrew (our regional rep) is holding round tables (last one was January)
      • Also putting out a quarterly newsletter
      • We suggested that MQG could facilitate a way for regions (close geographic proximity like Detroit, Toronto, Chicago) to post events and communicate
      • We stated being unhappy with statements made that it wouldn't matter if we withdrew because our money isn't where they get their funding [clarification was that she meant more that the money isn't what is important to them but the members are]
      • We asked what MQG could do for us as a guild since we don't really need 'new guild' help
        • she said to check out new resources page
        • there is a webinar on bringing in teachers
        • they are adding more documents on how to lead a guild
        • we could show all or part of webinars at guild meetings
        • block of the month
        • they have articles on all kinds of topics and will pay for new articles
        • they are planning this year on adding more documents on all kinds of things, she will consider looking into topics around more advanced guild needs (what happens after year 2)
        • she mentioned that we are unique in that we are the only guild that doesn't need the 501(c)3 status of National
  • Quilt Show
    • Postcards are available for members to take and place around town
    • Need volunteers to help setup on Thursday
    • Quilts to be dropped off at the Gallery on Sunday
    • Our charity quilts will be displayed
  • Sew-ins
    • Someone suggested it would be nice to have music.
    • Next sew-in is March 12
    • April sew-in will be a class (see new business)
  • Summer  Retreat - Creative Passions
    • Sign ups coming soon
    • Will be in July
    • $150 which will include continental breakfast
New Business
  • Free Motion Quilting class by Kathy Schmidt - to be held on April 30th at NEW.  Cost: $35
  •  Maggie would like ideas for skill schools (one suggestion was on how to make quilt labels including screenprinting, embroidery, etc.)
  • Charity/Swap/Challenge - this month Emily coordinated creating blocks for the Quilts for Quebec project (houses). 

  • March challenge will be to create something using the Pantone color of the year (Greenery). Emily says there may be a prize!

  •  Member spotlight - the group discussed whether we wanted to make changes to this. It was a concenus to keep it with 5-6 people and one inspiration.  Tonight we had a discussion on how people organize their quilting rooms, fabric, supplies.
  • Charity quilts - we discussed that for this new year we are adding Ozone House.  The size requirement is a little different as they support teens so would like twin size quilts.  We also can continue to make quilts for the V.A. and Mott - those are 3'x4' in size.
  • Skill school - Maggie presented how to make cute cathedral window pin cushions. Tutorial here: http://www.gogokim.com/2011/12/cathedral-window-pin-cushion-tutorial.html?m=1
  • Fresh Quilting TV Show - airs on Feb. 23 PBS - Brenda & Rossie are two of our local talent featured on the show
  • Library report (let Kim know if you want her to bring books to the meeting) 
  • Round Robin is starting back up again. Remember to bring your projects.  If you can't make it to the meeting, you can drop off your month's work at Pink Castle