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Sunday, December 9, 2018

November 28, 2018

  • Kathy will be teaching a paper-piecing class at our February 10 sew-in.  Cost is $10 plus purchase of an add-a-ruler if you don't already own one (required!). Sign up sheet will be posted soon.
  • Guicy Guice: Still on for April, we will be working on getting the sign-up form available by the end of December.
  • Erin Harris:  plans are in the works to bring Erin in for a one-day medallion class for September 2019.
  • We brainstormed other teacher ideas for 2020 (Sherri Lynn Wood, Anna Maria Chaney, Jacqueline DeJonge were suggested).  Brenda RG will investigate.
  • Reminder to continue to fill in the online form if you are attending sew-ins.  The board has adopted a new policy starting in January where we will cancel the sew-in if less than 3 people are signed up by the meeting prior.   
  • We recently held a charity-focused sew-in to work on the QuiltCon quilt.  Concensus was that it was fun, well attended, and attendees got a lot accomplished. 
  • Next sew-in is Sunday, December 9
  • 2019 next two are January 12 and February 10

Retreat:  Spring 2019 is full, but if you are interested put your name on the waitlist, there often are cancellations.

  • Keep doing red, gray, navy blocks (12.5", any pattern)
  • Rossie notified the group that she might be getting some donated fabric for charity quilts.
  • The membership would like to have more charity-focused sew-ins
  • Jackie McG notified the group that this year to date we donated the following number of quilts. Yay group!
    • Ozone House - 9
    • Veterans - 5
    • Motts - 17
Elections:  elections are at the January meeting, we currently have volunteers to run for all the positions, however members should feel welcome also putting their name in to run for any office. For committee chairs, Tara offered to become the retreat coordinator.   Kathy noted that we will have our bylaw-bingo game in lieu of reading the entire bylaws so members should come prepared to win prizes.

MQG: members have been having better luck navigating the MQG site; QuiltCon is in Nashville; members have until Nov. 30 to get a free show pass; Debbie G is looking for a roommate.

Quilt Show: members quilts are now being displayed at the Gerald Ford Presidential Library in Ann Arbor.  They will be there through mid-January. The Library is open M-F 8:45-4:45.  Thanks to the show coordinators (Tara, Sherri, Giedra) and to the 12 quilters who offered quilts for show with very little turnaround.

Sewing Expo:  several members attended the Sewing Expo in Novi.  While dollars were spent and it was cool to see the associated quilt show (which included a modern quilt display), most were disappointed at how small the expo has become.

Spotlight Discussion: the group shared ideas about christmas makes.

Skill Share:
  • Sheryl R shared how she makes a Hot Cold Blanket (one side fleece, one side standard quilting cotton): takes 1.5 hrs to make, use 1.5 yards quilting fabric and 1.5 yards fleece (do not use no-pill); wash/dry the fabric first to avoid odd shrinkage.
  • Maggie reminded members to sign up to host a skill share (she has a spreadsheet accessible through FB)

Member Spotlight: Tara;  next up will be Katie B

Library: Kim U shared some books with gift ideas plus Patty donated some books as freebies to the members

Challenge and Swaps: 
  • A huge response was had to our Improv challenge. Kim U won the fabric bundle donated by Pink Castle Fabrics
  • Next month: Notions Yankee swap - bring a wrapped notion valued at approximately $20

Features: Round Robin, Member Show and Share

Next meeting:  Wednesday, December 19 at NEW

Thursday, October 25, 2018

October 24, 2018

The meeting started with a tour of Maker Works in Ann Arbor.  We saw demos of the laser cutting machine, the embroidery machine, jewelry making, wood working, etc.  Maker Works is a membership facility.  Lana is a member and helped coordinate the event.  She is also working on creating rulers for attendees with the guild logo.

  • Anabelle Wrigley Doodle class was a lot of fun.  A few members showed off their creations.
  • Guicy class still on schedule for April.  Sign-ups will start in December.  It was suggested that we ask him to talk about color theory and maybe his new fabric line when he does his trunk show.
  • It looks like we will attempt to book Erin Harris as our 2nd national teacher for next year. More to follow.
  • Kathy will be teaching paper piecing at the February sew-in (Feb. 10). Cost is $10 payable to Kathy the day of the event.  Sign-ups will be required.
  • Attendees had a blast at the fall retreat in Chesaning this month.  
  • 2019 Spring Retreat - Artistry on Evans, Tecumseh.   May 3-5. Sign-ups have started and we are already at capacity.  It was noted however to go ahead and sign up to get your name on the waitlist as we often have members needing to give up their spaces.
  • 2020 Winter Retreat - will be in Chesaning in January.
  • We are looking for a volunteer for Retreat Coordinator for next year.
  • Next dates are Sat. Oct 27; Sat. Nov 10 (will be used for quiltcon sewing); Sun. Dec 9
  • Be sure you sign up for sew-ins.  Starting in January if we don't have at least 3 members signing up by the meeting prior to the sew-in, we will release the reservation back to the building in order to free it up for others to use.  
  • 2019 sew-in dates are currently the following (but may be usurped for other guild events if needed):
    • Sat Jan 12
    • Sun Feb 10 (Kathy Paper Piecing class)
    • Sat Mar 9
    • Sat Apr 13 (no sew-in, Guicy Guice class)
    • Sun May 19
    • Sat Jun 8
    • Sun Jul 14
    • Sun Aug 18
    • Sat Sep 14
    • Sun Oct 13
    • Sat Nov 9
    • Sun Dec 8
  • Rossie has picked up donations for the QuiltCon charity quilt.  We will be using the November sew-in to put the quilt together.
  • We had one 'vector' block turned in.  It was decided that this block probably isn't gathering enough interest, so it was suggested that for next month, just do any 12-1/2" (12" finished) block(s) in gray with red, navy, or white.  Thoughts are that the end result will be a masculine quilt for the Veterans.
  • Jackie McG has tops/backs to be quilts as well as kits to be checked out and worked on. She also has batting and labels.
  • We had several tops donated this month.
  • Kim Nace has volunteered to be our Charity Chair next year.  Thanks Kim!
  • Due now.  $42 by PayPal, discount $40 by check due tonight.  
  • We have added a PayPal button to the website.
  • New members also have to fill out a membership form.  Kathy will be creating an online fillable google form, so we may be having everyone fill out the form in order to get all the information in a single spreadsheet for the Membership VP.
  • Accepting nominations.  So far we have willing members for all positions, but anyone is able to be nominated for any position.  See the By-Laws for details.
  • We discussed block studies, but it was noted that members are still finding it near impossible to navigate the MQG website (requiring double logins to download materials).
  • We brainstormed possible ideas for Brenda for next year's swaps:
    • I Spy or just charm square or fabric swap
    • Secret Stalker (but have it separated more from other time-intensive projects)
    • Pincushion, sewing organizer, thread catcher, etc. type swap
    • Pouch swap
    • Pot holder, mug rug, coaster, placement swap
    • Ornament or other holiday (e.g., halloween) swap
    • Circle or arc challenge
    • Color challenge
    • Pillow cover swap (could also be secret stalker or holiday themed).  Sheryl noted that IKEA has $6 pillow forms and Henya mentioned that we could also do a group order with Foam Factory. 
  • Next month is a challenge - Improv  (finish something of an improv nature, any size, prize will be a FQ pack of Me & You solids).
  • Library - Kim U highlighted "Modern Designs for Classic Quilts"
  • Member Spotlight - Sherri
  • Round Robin 
  • Show & Share

(HINT: Did you know that you can receive this blog post in your email each month?  If you haven't already done so, scroll down the webpage and find the Follow By Email block.  Enter your email address and new posts will appear in your inbox, usually the next day.)

Thursday, September 27, 2018

September 26, 2018

  • Anabelle Wrigley Doodle Quilts class, Sunday, Sept 30, 10-4 (if you are attending, please show up early to set up - class will start promptly at 10:00)
  • Kathy Koch will teach a paper piecing class at the Feb 10th sew-in for $10 per guild member. Details tbd.
  • Guicy Guice class, April 13, 2019 - sign-ups will start in December
  • Possible new classes the Board is looking into:
    • Heather Givens
    • Erin Harris "Make Your Own Medallion" workshop (see book here: https://www.amazon.com/Make-Your-Own-Medallion-Book/dp/1940655293).  This could possibly be a 2-day class next year.
  • Fall Retreat is next week, October 5th.  
    • We discussed why we had so few sign-ups for this event. It looks like fall is just a hard time for people to get away.  We discussed spring also being difficult so may go back to our January timeframe even given the weather issues. 
  • The Board announced that starting in January we will poll members at the meeting prior to the sew-in date.  If we do not have at least 3 members signed up either online or at that meeting, the sew-in will be cancelled and we will remove the date from the building calendar so that it can be released for use by others.
  • November Sew-In, Saturday, Nov 10 will be used to work on the QuiltCon Charity quilt. 
  • There is no sew-in for October because of the Doodle Class.
  • It was suggested that we poll for bag/tote suggestions and use the January sew-in to work on the same pattern.  Kathy will put a poll on FB.
Charity Quilts:
  • Maggie will take any swatches/fabric members brought for the QuiltCon quilt to Rossie.
  • We will do the MQG Vector (aka. Airplane) block again next month.  No chosen color scheme.
  • Members were reminded that October is when nominations start.  Any member in good standing can be nominated (or nominate themselves) for any Board position. We will definitely have two open positions on the Board as Kathy and Amy are not running again: Secretary and Treasurer but anyone may run for the other positions as well.  See bylaws for job descriptions.
  • Elections are at the January meeting.
  • Other openings for Chairpersons (these are non-board positions) are for Charity Chair, Retreat Coordinator, Quilt Show Coordinator.
  • Reminder that next meeting will be at Maker Works (not NEW) - 3765 Plaza Drive, Ann Arbor (this is over by Costco/Zingerman's Bakehouse).  
  • Members interested in a tour of the facility should be there by 5:30pm.  We will have a laser cutting demo and attendees will each get a ruler; also a demo of their embroidery machine.
  • Regular meeting will start at 6:30pm in the conference room.

  • It was noted that a few members seem to be missing from the MQG database.  Jackie M is looking into the situation.
Group Share:
  • This month we had a group discussion on what non-quilty things you make from quilting cotton (e.g., aprons, pillows, pillowcases, napkins, hot pads, lunch bags, espadrilles, slippers).
 Skill Share:
  • Katie Baker shared interfacing techniques for the various bags she makes.

  • This month's swap was the annual "Secret Stalker Swap".
  • Next month will be an "I Spy" charm pack swap - out of 1/2 yard of fabric, cut 24 - 5" squares. The fabric should be something like a novelty fabric that could be used in an "I Spy" quilt.  Brenda will sort the fabric and participants will get a charm pack of squares to take home. 
  • November is a challenge - make an Improv quilt, any size, no pattern although you can use a block pattern but have the setting be improv. There will be a drawing for participating.

  • Member Spotlight (Brenda R.) 
    • Next month: Sherri P.
  • Library
  • Round Robin
  • Show and Share

Monday, September 10, 2018

August 29, 2018

Thanks to Kim U for taking notes for us!

Old Business:


  • Doodle Quilt Class with Anabelle Wrigley - 18 signed-up so we could take 2 more for the class
  • Giuseppe Ribaudo (AKA Giucy Giuce) class - April 13th Trunk Show & Tiny Piecing
  • Fall Retreat still needs people 
  • Spring Retreat - May 3-5 won both polls
  • Quilt Con Charity Quilt 
    • Rossie brought swatches and is asking for fabric from your stash.  The fabric can only have the colors from the swatches it can not include an additional color. 
    • For the colored fabric she is looking for 3"X12" strips. Just small amounts is best 
    • There is also a need for low volume/white fabric.  15" piece would be best 
    • The plan is to make 35 blocks 
    • Please bring Fabric to the September meeting 
    • The November sew-in will be dedicated to working on the Charity Quilt! (Saturday, Nov. 10)
  • This Months charity block is the Airplane Block 
  • We are trying to do more modern type blocks for our charity quilts

Library - Brenda Ratliff donated some books to the Library

Sheryl did a Cricut Demo

The September spotlight will be Brenda Ratliff.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 25, 2018

Old Business
  • Classes -
    • Annabel Wrigley class - close to full (3 slots open). See email or FB for sign-ups.
    • Guicy Giuce class still on target for next April
    • Discussed other possible teachers for next fall and beyond. Suggestions included Heather Givens and Lizzy House.  It was also suggested to the Board the possibility of some of the more expensive national teachers and how it could just be a hosted event by the Guild (not necessarily that the guild would have to feel like covering the entire cost by member attendance).
  • Retreats -
    • Fall Retreat is about 1/2 full.  See your email or FB for sign-up link.
    • Spring Retreat options:
      • Suggested dates - (Kathy will send out a doodle poll to members) - May 3-5; Mar 8-10; Jan 25-27
      • Suggested venue - Kathy is meeting with the owner of 'Artistry on Evans' in Tecumseh to see if this is a viable location.  It is smaller than a lot of the places we've been to but it is brand-new and not too far away. 
  • Skill School - 
    • Maggie put a sign-up sheet on FB.  If you would like to volunteer to teach a skill school at a future meeting, sign-up (or contact Maggie).  "If you've done it once, you can teach it!"
  • Chicago Quilt Swap - everyone (except Sue U) has received their mini.  Members are reminded to email and/or post on instagram your appreciation for your quilt. 
  • Sew-Ins
    • Suggestion that we use the November 10 sew-in as a 'make a bag' day.  Members would like to pick a pattern and have everyone work on the same bag.  Members should either post on FB your pattern suggestions (or send the board via email) and Kathy will create a Doodle Poll to narrow the selection down.
  • Events and Meetings - 
    • Reminder that this weekend is the Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild's quilt show at Washtenaw College.  Cost is $6.
    •  October Guild Meeting will be held at Maker Works, 3765 Plaza Dr. Ann Arbor, https://www.maker-works.com/.  The meeting will include a tour and demos of some of the equipment.
  •  Charity Quilts
    • QuiltCon charity quilt design has been decided (tiny piecing in inset circles).  Rossie will be sending out more information shortly.  It was suggested that we purchase 1/2 yard of each of the suggested colors to make the quilt more interesting. Members will add in low volume backgrounds from their own stash.
    • It was suggested that another charity/support we could take part in is the MSU Teal Quilt project.  Here is a link to a pinwheel pattern.  They are collecting quilts for a year.  If anyone wishes to take part, it is in addition to our regular charity giving projects.
    • It was decided to use the MQG airplane block for the next 2 month's charity block.  Maggie will post a link on the FB page, or you can log in to MQG's site yourself for the pattern/instructions.
    • There were enough Boats Boats Boats blocks (or almost enough) for a twin quilt. Thanks to all who made blocks and to Katie and Sheryl who volunteered to put together the top and make some extra blocks.
    • There are still charity kits and fabric, and some individual blocks available to be made into charity quilts. There is one twin to be quilted.
    • To date, we have donated 5 twin quilts to Ozone house, 7 baby quilts to Motts, 1 to the VA.  Yay guild!
New Business

Swaps and Challenges
  • Secret Stalker Swap sign-ups are happening now (quilts to be given out at September meeting). Brenda posted on FB and Kathy will send out an email.
  • 6 guild members showed off their "Word Challenge" quilts.  Jackie McG won the fabric pack donated by Brenda (and Pink Castle Fabrics).
  • Next month (August) is a Pincushion swap.  This is a Yankee Swap so bring your pincushion wrapped.
MQG - Maggie showed this month's block study and quilt of the month

Skill Share - Cheryl showed her technique for hanging mini-quilts (corner squares).


Round Robin
Show and Share

Friday, July 13, 2018

June 27, 2018

Old Business
  • Classes:
    • Anabel Wrigley Doodle Quilts, September 30: registration open now for guild members (see email or FB post for link). (NOTE: as of July 13 there are only 2 more spots open - if you are unable to add your name, contact the guild to be put on the waiting list)
      • Expected Student Level of Experience:
        This is the perfect class for experienced and beginner sewers.
      • Class Description of Workshop/Lecture
        This workshop is all about letting go and expressing your color personality through the use of solids. Participants will start by creating a doodle - They will be given 3 opportunities to make the doodle and will then work with their favorite.  We will then focus on color choice and careful tracing and cutting to create the appliqué shapes. As the day goes on, participants will be encouraged to layer shapes on shapes to explore color overlay and to create interesting shapes. Class will then continue with the appliqué sewing and quilting to finish.
    • Giuseppe Ribaudo (aka. Guicy Giuce) - Tiny Piecing class, April 13, 2019,  3-hour class with trunk show, cost TBD, sign-ups closer to the event
    • Please let the Board know if you have any suggestions for national (or otherwise) teachers.  We are looking to have about 2 per year.
  • Retreats: 
    • Fall retreat scheduled for October 5-7 at Creative Passions in Chesaning. We can host 16 attendees (as of this writing, we have 7 spots filled)
    • Spring 2019 retreat - discussion was held as to location and timing as there are a lot of conflicts such as QuiltCon. 
      • A couple of suggestions included:
        • Country Charm Retreats https://www.countrycharmretreats.com/
        • Tecumseh retreat center (Artistry on Evans) http://artistryonevans.com/ 
      • Dorie has volunteered to brainstorm date options
      • Kathy will scope out the Tecumseh location
  • Dye Day:
    • Emily is still willing to host at her house.  She will send date possibilities to Maggie.
  • Sew-Ins
    • Saturday July 7 (this is definitely a 'go')
    • Saturday August 25 (it was noted that this is the same weekend as AQS in Grand Rapids. Maggie still would like to see if we can get a carpool.)
  • Charity Quilts 
    • (this month's block was still Boats, Boats, Boats - continuing on for next month to see if we can get enough for a twin size for Ozone House?)
    • Last Year's QuiltCon quilt was auctioned off at Grillin' and sold for funds for the organization at $405.  Again, thanks to all the guild members who took part in making this quilt!
    • Rossie is finalizing the design ideas for this year's quilt.  She will be letting us know shortly the design choice and tasks.
    • Several members donated quilts they made for charities. 
    • Sheryl made a suggestion that we make Pride Flag quilts for Ozone.  She offered to share some pattern ideas with the group.
    • Reminder that we do have kits, fabric (and batting/backings), and tops that need quilting for our charities. Contact: Jackie McG if you need one of these.
New Business
  • Modern Quilt Guild:  no block study this month. Reminder that QuiltCon registration is open for Nashville, February 21. 
  • Library books available for check out.  Reminder that you do need to be a member to check out books.  Also remember to print your name legibly on the checkout card.
  • Skill school: suggestions were given for future schools
  • Member spotlight: Amy S.  (next month: Dorie)
  • Round Robin
  • Show and share

Thursday, June 14, 2018

May 20, 2018

Old Business
  • Classes
    • Kathy Schmidt - Dyeing class, June 30, 2018 at her home in Tecumseh. Link is on Facebook page 
    • Annabel Wrigley (Little Pincushion Studio) - Doodle Quilt Class (see samples on Instgram https://www.instagram.com/p/BX6CsWtHpTB/), September 30, 2018, cost will be $60 for guild members for 6-hour class which includes a trunk show. Sign-ups coming soon.
    • Giuseppe Ribaudo (aka. Guicy Giuce) - Tiny Piecing class, April 13, 2019,  3-hour class with trunk show, cost TBD 
  • Sew-Ins: we aren't getting many sign-ups for classes, please be sure to do so. Next one is Sunday, June 10
New Business
  •  Charity
    • QuiltCon:  Rossie has offered to chair the QuiltCon Charity committee.  She has posted on FB and sent an email asking members to vote for their favorite technique/design.
    • Guild blocks:  This last month was Boats Boats Boats.  We decided to continue this for next month to see if we can get enough for a twin size. See pattern on FB page or contact the board if you need the pattern.
    • Jackie MacG sent around some kits.  Also there were 3-4 twin and 2 baby quilts that needed quilting - several members volunteered.
  • MQG updates
    • Block study: ModSquared
    • Quilt of the Month: Fish in the Sea
    • Members are reminded that these are free resources that their membership pays for
  • Group Discussion (in lieu of skill share):  the group discussed ideas for putting text in quilts to prep all for the July Challenge; Brenda also posted some ideas on the FB page.
  • Swaps/Challenges:
    • Members showed off their mini's heading to CHI for the A2-Chicago swap.  We will receive our lovelies at the June meeting (can't wait!!!!).
    • June:  Pattern Swap (however many patterns you bring in, that is how many you can take home). A great way to recycle patterns for quilts you've already made and get new patterns or even to pass along something you know you will never make.
    • July: Challenge - anyone who finishes a quilt of any size that has letter(s)/word(s) using any technique other than it just being part of the fabric will be put in a drawing for a fabric bundle.
  • Other Guilds:  Amy S. shared that the GAAQC is hosting a class on Sunday, September 16 by Mickey Depre on Hexies and there are only a few sign-ups if members are interested. https://www.gaaqg.com/our-events/guild-calendar/
  • Member spotlight: Sheryl R
    • NOTE: We didn't have anyone offer to showcase for June meeting, so if you are interested, contact us right away!
  • Library spotlight
  • Round Robin 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Ann Arbor Modern Quilt Guild
April 25, 2018

Old Business

    Upcoming classes for 2018

        Annabel Wrigley (Little Pincushion Studio) Doodle quilt class - September 30, 2018 - cost will be $60 for 6 hour class with trunk show

        Giuseppe April 14, 2019 (2nd Saturday) trunk show & 3-hour class on tiny piecing

    Joe’s class and trunk show recap

    Swap with Chicago

New Business

    Upcoming Sew-Ins - Please sign up!

        May > Sunday, May 20

        June > Sunday, June 10

        July > Saturday, July 7

        August > Saturday, August 25

        Sept > no sew-in for Sept (save the date for our Annabelle Wrigley class)

        Oct > Saturday, Oct 27

        Nov > Saturday, Nov 10

        Dec > Sunday, Dec 9

 Dye class at Kathy Schmidt’s

         June 2, $30. Link is on the facebook page


        Dutchman’s puzzle

        Discussion: More modern blocks requested for charity quilts, what are some ideas??

MQG updates

        2019 Quilt Con charity challenge announced (great colors this year). Would anyone like to lead the design this year?

        Block study - Crisscross applesauce - more traditional block, made modern with fabric choices and layout

        Fresh quilting episodes -

            Paper piecing with Violet Craft

            Learn to match binding to piecing

Library Spotlight - remind members the library list is available on the blog

Skill share - Brenda Ratliff, Boats, Boats, Boats!

Spotlight/Discussion -charity (above)

Member Spotlight - Emily

Round Robin

Swapenge  - Zipper pouch swap

May - Chicago mini quilts!

Announcing the 2019 QuiltCon Charity Quilt Challenge

Details for the 2019 Charity Quilt Challenge have been announced! This year we’re exploring small piecing as the theme with a soft new color palette. Get all the details at quiltcon.com.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

March 28, 2018

Old Business
  • Classes:
    • Joe Cunningham, April 14 @NEW. There are about 8 spaces open and we've invited the Greater Ann Arbor and the Detroit Modern groups. 
    • Annabelle Wrigley, Doodle Quilt, September 30, 6 hour class, $60.  Sign-ups will be closer to the event.
    • Giucy Giuce (Giuseppe Ribaudo) - Tiny Piecing. nothing definite yet but we are in discussions with him.  Straw poll taken and it looks like the guild would be happy with next April.  The thought was that if we continue to try to have one major teacher in Spring and one in Fall.
  • Retreat - the spring retreat went well.  Attendees said the view was awesome (sewing in front of huge windows) but the food wasn't too great (which is somewhat different than the last times we stayed there so Amy should probably give them feedback).
  • Charley Harper Quilt Show, Cincinnati area (Milford) - Jackie M & Maggie are driving down Saturday, April 7 and they encourage anyone else interested in meeting up to let them know.
  • Membership cards are in the 'round robin' bin for members who haven't picked theirs up yet.
  • Sew-Ins - next one will be Sunday, May 20. Please remember to sign up.  Low attendance may cancel the event. Remember that the April slot is being used by the Joe C class.
New Business
  • We had an email from someone offering to give us a presentation on Gees Bend quilts.  Rossie will investigate further.
  •  Swaps:
    • Chicago swap sign-ups end on Saturday so if you haven't done so, check the Facebook page or email the board for details.  The plans are that Brenda R will coordinate on exchanging names, send that out to participants and then the minis are due at the May meeting.
    • Members showed off their Color Palette Challenge quilts.  This challenge had a great amount of participation and a lot of creativity!  Jackie M won the drawing (and also, by the way, had the largest quilt entry!).
    • Next month we will do a zippered pouch yankee swap.  Rules: make a pouch, it has to have at least one zipper, wrap it up like a present and we will swap at the meeting.
  • MQG
    • Debbie G spoke and gave her "Drawing with Fabric" class for the Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild and a couple of her quilts were featured on MQG's website.
    • The QuiltCon traveling exhibit will be in Grand Rapids at AQS on August 22-25.  We will try to get a group trip together.
    • MQG is still looking for members to participate in task forces. Check their website out if you are interested.
  • Library - books were shared, Kim is looking into ways to digitize for free our library collection
  • Skill Share - Rossie spoke about dyeing fabric. The group talked about the possibility of having a 'dye day' in the summer.  Emily offered her place to gather. Supply requirements (she typically gets hers from Darma     Trading Co):
    • procion (fiber reactive dye) (usually a powder, permanent, not Rit)
    • salt
    • soda ash to alter the pH
    • plastic bucket
    • water
    • any cotton fabric (have fun with prints, doesn't have to be a plain solid)
  • Member spotlight: Heather!  (next month - Emily)
  •  Charity quilts:
    • Members showed their broken dishes blocks
    • Next month: Dutchman's Puzzle (8 flying geese!).  Here's a link to a tutorial: https://www.generations-quilt-patterns.com/dutchmans-puzzle-quilt-block.html
    • Jackie McG also put together 2 complete quilt kits for someone to work on (you don't need to do the entire quilt top, but you can if you want).
    • The QuiltCon charity quilt is back in our hands.  It will go to the Food Gatherers auction. Brenda RG has it to donate.
  • Features: Round Robin and Show-and-Share

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Joe the Quilter Class - April 14

Joe Cunningham class still has openings. We are opening it up to non-guild members. Everyone is encouraged to attend the free trunk show (free for members, free to class attendees).  Trunk show is in the morning of April 14, class is 3 hours in the afternoon the same day. Cost for non-members/non-class attendees to the trunk show is $10. Cost for non-members for the class is $75. Sign-up at: https://goo.gl/forms/yivrSNd2xALGxyFm1

Friday, March 2, 2018

February 28, 2018

Old Business
  • Classes:
    • Dorie's class on bias applique went well. There were 8 attendees.

    • Possible next 'sew-in' class will be Kathy's "How do I quilt that!!??" lecture/slideshow to include bringing in quilts and discussing options.
    • Joe Cunningham class still has openings. We are opening it up to non-guild members. Everyone is encouraged to attend the free (for guild members) trunk show.  Trunk show is in the morning of April 14, class is 3 hours in the afternoon the same day. Cost for non-members to the trunk show is $10. Cost for non-members for the class is $75. Sign-up at: https://goo.gl/forms/yivrSNd2xALGxyFm1

    • Annabelle Wrigley - Little Pincushion Studio "Doodle Quilt" class is on for September 30th. This will be a 6-hour class and her trunk show is part of the class. Cost for members $60.  Sign-ups will be later in the year.

  • Spring Retreat at Howell Nature Center is this next weekend.  We had 12 sign-ups so there are still 3 openings if you don't have any dietary restrictions that need to be accommodated.
  • Charley Harper Quilt Show - plans are in the works to organize a trip to the Cincinnati area for this quilt show the weekend of April 7-8.
 New Business
  • Next sew-in is March 18. Be sure to sign up at https://goo.gl/forms/y5ogTZW2AkPYgDdO2
  • Treasurer's Report: we are doing fine - our funds are in good enough shape to allow the guild to subsidize some of the teaching events we've been having (such as the Joe C trunk show). Full report at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19HqczB_crHkkfwpo1qKN_g0ypiAIgCZI
  • Guild member news:
    • 3 guild members were featured in a book published by the Modern Quilt Guild, "Modern Quilts: Designs of the New Century". Yay to Rossie Hutchinson, Dorie Schwarz, Jenna Brand!  This book has been purchased by the Guild and is in the Library to borrow.  MQG also sent us two swag bags that we raffled off.
  • Swaps:
    • Chicago Swap - we will be having a blind swap with the Chicago MQG.  Brenda R is organizing and has provided a sign-up sheet at https://goo.gl/forms/Ww9o4iMnZBRnkZs73 Deadline is March 31st to sign up.  This will be for a mini-quilt and no extras.  We will get our swap partner names the first week of April and minis are due at the May meeting.  We will then receive our quilts at the June meeting.  Be sure to coordinate with Brenda R if you are participating but are unable to make these meetings.
    • Idea for a future swap was suggested: use a photo as an inspiration
    • 3 of our members signed up for the Riley Blake challenge for MQG and the fabric is here.  Check with Amy S if you need to get yours. 
    • Log Cabin Block Lottery - guild members made log cabins and they were raffled off, winner takes all. Pam E won the batch of over 30 blocks.
    • Next month's swap is "Color Palette Challenge": members drew sample color palettes at random and are challenged to make any size quilt, pillow, etc. by the next meeting.  Only rules are it must contain the colors in your palette, only additions may be neutrals (e.g., black, white, gray, brown).  Anyone who brings a finish will be put in a drawing for some free fabric.  Palettes were provided by design-seeds.com
  • Charity:
    • Guild members made quite a few disappearing 9-patch blocks. Erica agreed to sew them into a top.

    • Next month's block will be "Broken Dishes".  There are many tutorials out there in the 'interwebs' but here is one: http://delawarequilts.com/BOMs/BrokenDishes/index.html.  Remember that we are typically sticking with 12.5" blocks (12" finished).  HINT: You will create using 6.5" HSTs.

  •  Membership:  MQG cards are here - check with Jackie Mills if you didn't get yours. These cards can be used at quite a few quilt shops for discounts.
  • QuiltCon: 
    • several members attended in Pasadena and had a great time
    • kudos to Debbie Grifka for her win with Canterbury #2 in the Applique category 
    •  it was noted that our charity entry got a lot of attention and members felt it really stood out - once again, a big thank you to the team who put this together and Dorie for designing and organizing!

    •  Dorie's daughter Eva had her first ever quilt in the show in the youth category.  So exciting to see our young ones picking up the skills.
  • Skill Share: Brenda R gave a demo on how to make blocks using tube quilting.  She reminded everyone that you end up with all bias edges so she recommends making heavy use of spray starch.
  • Features
    • Member Spotlight:  Maggie showed us some quilts from her journey to date.  Next month will be Heather Lentz 
    • Library (two books were donated by Kathy)
    • Show & Share

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Log Cabin Block Lottery

Instructions for Log Cabins

The block we are making is a 12" finished (12.5" x 12.5" unfinished) log cabin block with a 4" finished center. There's no colorway, just scrappy using quilt shop quality quilting weight cottons. 

See https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vFpoX37B0FCSs7VeOBohR9ITxMcK9H_4 for a cutting plan.

Here's how the block swap works:
1. Make as many blocks as you want and bring them to the Feb meeting.
2. You will get one entry into the lotto for every block you bring in. The more blocks you make, the better your odds are :)
3. Winner takes all blocks!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

January 31, 2018

Old Business
  • Members who took part in the Made by Rae "Ruby" top class showed off their creations. 
  • Joe Cunningham (Joe the Quilter) class
    • Rock the Block, Album Style (http://www.joethequilter.com/workshops.html)
    • Saturday, April 14
      • Trunk Show - 10-11am
      • Class - 1-4pm
    • Location: NEW
    • Sign ups will be coming via email
    • The Guild will be paying for the Trunk show which will be free to members, $10 for non-members. There is no limit on number of people attending the trunk show.
    • The class is limited to 20 members. Cost is $65.  As usual we will have member only sign-ups for a short period of time and if we don't fill the class, will open it to non-members.  Non-member fee will be $75.
  • Annabelle Wrigley "Doodle Quilt" https://www.instagram.com/p/BdiKD4HHDJe/ class is set for Sunday, September 30.  The board has not determined class fees at this time. 
  • The board asked members how they feel about the number of classes being offered for last and this year? While some said the more the merrier, most felt like the number was fine - that too many classes make it hard to be able to attend all they want to.  It was suggested that we use more of our local talent and the board said they already are planning on doing that.
  • Spring Retreat - Howell Nature Center 
    • There are still openings
    • Cost: $100 which includes food
    • Friday, March 2, 4:00pm to Sunday, March 4, 1pm
  • Dues are overdue.  If you haven't paid, see Jackie Mills.
 New Business
  • Annual Elections - elections were held with 25 members in attendance approving unanimously the slate presented.  New officers are:
    • President - Maggie Wilkin
    • Vice President, Programs - Brenda Rowley-Gray
    • Vice President, Membership - Jackie Mills
    • Treasurer - Amy Stevenson
    • Secretary/Webmaster - Kathy Koch
  • Committees for 2018 at present are:
    • Swaps and Round Robin - Brenda Ratliff
    • Charity - Jackie MacGregor
    • Library - Kim Ulrich
    • Retreats - Amy Stevenson
  • Bylaws were approved.  We had a fun challenge/quiz on the bylaws and Katie Baker won the drawing.
  • Sew-In Teaching Opportunity - Dorie has offered to teach her "Knit Stitch Bias Applique" class at the February sew-in.  She would like to use the guild to test teaching. She thinks it will run 3 hours but we are blocking out 10-4 just in case.  Everyone should bring an ironing station.  She will also bulk order the quilters pressing bars $5 if people sign up early.  Sign-ups will go out via email.
  • Kathy also asked if there was interest in her giving her "How Do I Quilt That?" lecture at a sew-in and there seemed to be enough so possibly sometime this summer.
  • Charity Quilts
    • We donated about 20-25 quilts last year.  (Thank you to all who worked on our charity quilt efforts, with a special nod to Ida for all the extra quilts she's been donating!)
    • February we will have a block challenge.  Bring in for charity Disappearing 9-Patch blocks.  12.5" (to finish at 12").  A sample tutorial is here > http://sew-fantastic.blogspot.com/2009/09/disappearing-nine-patch-tutorial.html  
    • Reminder of sizes:  Mott & VA > 3' x 4' (so 3x4 12" blocks); Ozone House > teen oriented fabrics and twin size; Food Gatherers (typically we give them our QuiltCon quilt to auction off)
    • Brainstorming for 2018
      • Dedicating a sew-in to sewing charity blocks
      • Prizes
      • Putting a charity quilt into the Round Robin
      • Utilize the kits in the charity bin - you don't need to make the entire quilt. Feel free to work on a few blocks and then put it back for someone else to work on.
      • Make a QuiltCon quilt
      • Jackie mentioned that there are a lot of tiny scraps in the bin right now and wondered if we could make pet beds for shelters (use as stuffing)
      • Pillowcases are still always accepted
  • Interest was gauged on the possiblity of an overnight field trip to the Charley Harper Quilt Show (near Cincinnati) April 7-15.  Because of the Joe C class, most likely we would do it the weekend of April 7.
  • We were approached awhile back about the possibility of having a quilt show at a senior center. Laura Sharp will contact them and see if there is still interest and what they were thinking of.
  • MQG - this month they are sharing some block setting ideas; reminded members that this is a member-benefit they can take advantage of
  • QuiltCon - a couple people have quilts in at Pasedena (Debbie G and Pam E). Pam is attending.   2019 will be in Nashville.
  • Teaching events for 2019 - board is looking into possiblity of bringing Guicy Guice. Most likely we would have him teach his tiny piecing class like he did for Glamp.
  • Library spotlight
  • Skill Share - Amy S presented on how she makes dresdens
  • Round Robin 
  • Swap - scrap swap ensued (members brought scraps in gallon bags).  Next month's swap is a Log Cabin block lottery (12.5" block to finish at 12"). This will be a raffle where the winner gets all the blocks.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

December 27, 2017

The Guild's annual holiday party/get-together was held.  Games were played, food was consumed, a good time was had by all.  See you all in the new year!