May 20, 2018
Old Business
- Classes
- Kathy Schmidt - Dyeing class, June 30, 2018 at her home in Tecumseh. Link is on Facebook page
- Annabel Wrigley (Little Pincushion Studio) - Doodle Quilt Class (see samples on Instgram, September 30, 2018, cost will be $60 for guild members for 6-hour class which includes a trunk show. Sign-ups coming soon.
- Giuseppe Ribaudo (aka. Guicy Giuce) - Tiny Piecing class, April 13, 2019, 3-hour class with trunk show, cost TBD
- Sew-Ins: we aren't getting many sign-ups for classes, please be sure to do so. Next one is Sunday, June 10
New Business
- Charity
- QuiltCon: Rossie has offered to chair the QuiltCon Charity committee. She has posted on FB and sent an email asking members to vote for their favorite technique/design.
- Guild blocks: This last month was Boats Boats Boats. We decided to continue this for next month to see if we can get enough for a twin size. See pattern on FB page or contact the board if you need the pattern.
- Jackie MacG sent around some kits. Also there were 3-4 twin and 2 baby quilts that needed quilting - several members volunteered.
- MQG updates
- Block study: ModSquared
- Quilt of the Month: Fish in the Sea
- Members are reminded that these are free resources that their membership pays for
- Group Discussion (in lieu of skill share): the group discussed ideas for putting text in quilts to prep all for the July Challenge; Brenda also posted some ideas on the FB page.
- Swaps/Challenges:
- Members showed off their mini's heading to CHI for the A2-Chicago swap.
We will receive our lovelies at the June meeting (can't wait!!!!).
- June: Pattern Swap (however many patterns you bring in, that is how many you can take home). A great way to recycle patterns for quilts you've already made and get new patterns or even to pass along something you know you will never make.
- July: Challenge - anyone who finishes a quilt of any size that has letter(s)/word(s) using any technique other than it just being part of the fabric will be put in a drawing for a fabric bundle.
- Other Guilds: Amy S. shared that the GAAQC is hosting a class on Sunday, September 16 by Mickey Depre on Hexies and there are only a few sign-ups if members are interested.
- Member spotlight: Sheryl R
- NOTE: We didn't have anyone offer to showcase for June meeting, so if you are interested, contact us right away!
- Library spotlight
- Round Robin
It was really insightful.
ReplyDeleteThanks for such a nice content.
BTW if anyone interested more have a look Search from babygadgetlab thanks