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Friday, October 29, 2021

A2MQG Meeting Minutes, October 2021

Our October meeting was held via Zoom. There were 20 members and 1 guest in attendance.

Website:  Kathy reminded attendees that our Diversity Inclusion statement is now available on the website. 

Membership:  We've had several new members over the last couple of months - we are currently at 63. Dues for 2022 are due right now. Reminder that dues may be paid via the website or a check mailed to Cheryl (see email send to membership for details).

Programs: Reminder that our November meeting will be on November 17 via Zoom (a week earlier than normal due to the holiday). The meeting will feature guest speaker Cheryl Arkison who will talk on "Improv is my Love Language".  We most likely will not have time for normal meeting coverage although members are encouraged to email to the guild email address any Show and Share photos.

Charity:  Continue working on the improv charity blocks and get them to either Jackie or Brenda.  Amy has submitted our MQG Community Quilt to QuiltCon.

MQG: Members are reminded that Sunday, October 31st is the deadline for submitting your QuiltCon quilt entries to MQG.

Elections: Elections were held online with 23 members voting by the end of the October meeting.  The entire slate of officers were voted in with no write-in ballots.  Therefore the officers for 2022 are:

  • President: Brenda Rowley-Gray
  • VP Programs: Cheryl Smallwood
  • VP Membership: Lana Krolikowski
  • Treasurer: Amy Stevenson
  • Secretary/Webmaster: Kathy Koch
Committees for 2022 are (non-elected positions):
  • Retreats: Tara
  • Charity: Jackie
  • Library: Kim
  • Swaps/Challenges:  (open - Maggie is looking to step down from this position so we are looking for a volunteer to head this committee)

Discussion:  Has anyone worked on a series or done the same quilt over time?  Several members shared projects they are or have worked on.  Brenda would like this to be an ongoing item so share so members are encouraged to send photos to share with the group.

Retreat:  January 28-30, 2022 - Even though we have not met our minimum for the Retreat, Creative Passions is willing for us to keep our spot at the same price per person.  We are hoping to get more members decide to attend after the holidays.  There are currently 6 signed up, deposits are due now with remaining amount due end of December.  Retreats are "bring your own projects" and the price of $150 includes continental breakfast.  Typically attendees coordinate at least one potluck dinner but that can be decided closer to the event.  We will be in the main CP building in our usual separate room with kitchenette so there is a refrigerator, microwave, sink.

Swaps and Challenges: Current swap is a fabric postcard swap.  We currently have 12 people signed up for 18 postcards.  Maggie will send out swap partner information on November 1st.  Participants should plan on mailing their cards no later than December 1st.

Library: Kim reminded members that even though we aren't meeting in person, if you see a book in the library (link is on our website on the right), let her know and she will figure out a way to get the book to you.

Next Board Meeting: November 18th

Next meeting: Wednesday, November 17 via Zoom

A2MQG Meeting Minutes, September 2021

Our September meeting was in-person at Olson Park in Ann Arbor.  There were 8 members and 2 visitors in attendance. 


  • Discussion was held whether members felt comfortable meeting indoors going forward or if they would prefer continuing with Zoom meetings for the near future.  One suggestion was if there was a possibility when we do go back to in-person meetings if we could also manage to have Zoom enabled as well for members who can't make it.  Members with experience say that would be very difficult to do unless the room were set up with the appropriate sound and video equipment. We aren't sure if N.E.W. has that ability or will in the future.
  • It was reported that N.E.W. sustained water damage with the summer's heavy rain but it appears to be restricted to the first floor.  The upstairs meeting rooms were used for putting together the Community Quilt and did not seem to have any issues.  It should be noted that they are still limiting the attendee size for meetings to half the capacity so we are unable to hold our full guild meetings there.  
  • N.E.W. is also undergoing studies to determine if they will be reconfiguring the building or even potentially looking for a larger space.  Brenda has been attending their planning meetings and it doesn't look like any changes will be in the near future. Unfortunately many of the proposed plans do not include a large meeting space so it is unclear if we will need to find a new meeting location sometime down the road.

Website:  Kathy shared that our Diversity Inclusion statement is now available on the website. She also shared that we are no longer able to 'push' minutes to members.  The option that was made available to do this via Google went away in July and the recommended replacement free option does not appear to work.  Members are encouraged to go to the website to view minutes.

MQG: Brenda shared some content from the MQG website and encouraged members (since we all have access through being members of the guild) to visit it for the free videos and other content.

Programs: Reminder that our October meeting is via Zoom as is our November meeting.  The November meeting, on November 17 (a week earlier than normal due to the holiday) will feature guest speaker Cheryl Arkison who will talk on "Improv is my Love Language".  The question was raised on whether we also have booked Cheryl for a class but this is not currently planned.


  • The almost completed MQG Community Outreach quilt was shared with the group. Deb S. has agreed to put the binding on and then it is complete and Amy S. will submit it to QuiltCon.  
  • Improv charity blocks are continuing.  Contact Jackie or ask on the FB page if you have any questions.  Blocks can be dropped off at Jackie's in Saline or with Brenda R-G in Ann Arbor. 

Elections: Reminder that October is Board elections to cover the period from Jan-Dec 2022.  Any guild member may run for any office. Dorie is stepping down as VP Programs.  Lana has agreed to run for VP of Membership so Cheryl will step in for Programs, Amy will run for Treasurer, Kathy will remain as Secretary and Brenda as President.  There will be an online ballot prior to the October meeting.

Membership:  Reminder that dues for next year are due at the October meeting. 

Retreat:  The January retreat sign-ups will be going out soon.

Swaps and Challenges: Next swap is a fabric postcard swap.  Maggie will send out an email for signups next week. It will include a tutorial.

Next meeting: Wednesday, October 27 via Zoom