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Monday, November 2, 2015

October Meeting Minutes

Old Business:

  • Membership
    • Check your email for information on how to pay your membership. 
  • QuiltCon
    • Submission deadline for quilts is November 30th!
New Business:
  • A2MQG Quilt Show
    • Amy Stevenson brought up the idea of a potential quilt show in the future. We're looking for someone who would want to be in charge of this event, a potential location, and a date. Email Debbie if you're interested!
  • Board Members
    • We will have positions to fill in 2016. If you're interested in ANY position, please let us know! 
    • We are also in need of a new swap chair. If you're interested, talk to Dorie about what the position entails.
  • Exciting library news! Our books from Lucky Spool came and there are some GREAT ones! To check one of these out from the library, you are required to leave an Amazon review about the book. Be sure to share on social media as well. 
Skill School: Ginia 
  • Ginia gave an incredible and information-filled presentation on how quilts are judged in shows. Some tips she gave are to check previous winners in the category before submitting, making sure your quilting looks professional and your quilt is able to hang flat, and take time to read and consider the judge's comments. 
    • Regarding the constructive criticism, Rossie provided additional advice--"Protect yourself from people's bullshit." 
Member Spotlight: Dorie!
  • Dorie can be found on instagram @tumblingblocks or at her blog tumblingblocks.net

Charity Quilt Challenge
  • lots of participation! Still deciding on a way to pick a prize winner.
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DON'T FORGET!! Due to Thanksgiving, our November meeting will be held early on November 18th! Secret Stalker Swap Minis will be presented.

See you next month!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

September Meeting Minutes

IMPORTANT REMINDER! Dues will be due at the OCTOBER meeting! 

Old Business
  • Quilt Con charity Quilt
    • Make your blocks!! Make sure Ann Dilcher gets them before the October meeting.
  • One Day Retreats
    • Amy Diebold is still working on getting these set up. They will most likely be on Saturdays at the Quilting Season shop in Saline. We are still determining cost and dates.

New Business
  • Lucky Spool books
    • Rossie and Debbie managed to win us a set of Lucky Spool books for our guild library! This will be a nice addition to our already huge library. If you're interested in checking ANY book out, we probably have it! Contact Kathy Koch if you're searching for a book.
  • There was a webinar yesterday featuring Brenda Ratliff!
    • Look for it on the national MQG's site.
Library Spotlight- Kathy
  • Our book this month was claimed so quickly that I can't remember what it was! 
Member Spotlight 
  • This month, we got to see all of Lynn Harris' awesome quilts! Kat Schrodt was awesome enough to be our photographer at this meeting, so here are ALL of Lynn's quilts! (in random order)

Skill School: Scalloped Edges
  • I (Hayley Cason) did a short presentation on easy ways to do scalloped edges and scalloped binding on a quilt. 
A2/Chicago Swap Quilts!
  • We received our AWESOME quilts from the guild swap with Chicago! If you'd like to see them, check out the guild's Instagram account! Kat took over for the night and got everyone's reactions to some great minis. You can view them all at instagram.com/a2mqg
Secret Stalker Swap!
  • This guild favorite is back again! We signed up for partners at the September meeting. They will be due in November. You have two months to make your mini!
Show and Share
  • lots of cool projects were shown this month!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

August Meeting Minutes

Old business:

  • A good time was had by all on our summer retreat.
  • Charity Quilt for QuiltCon
    • Ann Dilcher is organizing this. Most information can be found in our Facebook group. If you are a member of A2MQG but are not in the group, send me an email and I'll send you an invitation.
    • We are doing a mod mosaic quilt. Each block has sashing and other scrappy pieces. The sashing is one color and the other pieces are one other color/shade.
New business:
  • We need a blogger!
    • If you're interested in taking over for the biweekly blog round-up, let us know! 
  • Charity charm pack swap
    • At this meeting, we swapped charm packs. The goal is to finish a charity sized quilt (36" x 48") with these charm packs. 
    • You can participate even if you didn't swap a charm pack! If you bring a charity quilt to the October guild meeting that you made with 5" square charms, you will be included in the drawing to win a prize.
    • See our blog's charity page for some patterns.
  • Skill School -- Rossie
    • Rossie had an excellent lesson on types of needles and thread weights. (as soon as I get my hands on a copy of her handout, I'll share it on the blog)
  • Member Spotlight: Debbie Talley
    • Debbie brought an abundance of quilts to the meeting. She enjoys gardening and making lots and lots of quilts. There were at least three overflowing laundry baskets! And of course my phone wouldn't let me take pictures of them.
    • She's newer to Instagram. You can follow her: @apiecedgarden
    • Next month, we'll spotlight Lynn Carson Harris
  • A2/Chicago MQG mini quilt swap
    • our guild made some super awesome minis! We'll get to see what everyone receives at the next meeting. 
  • One-day retreats
    • We might have found a space! The Quilting Season would allow us to use their space for $10/person and we can bring our own snacks. If you have any leads you think would also work, feel free to let us know.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Monthly round up for July 19th!

Wow, so these are getting more and more widely spaced, huh?

Oh, so how cute is Karen's pie mini quilt using Hayley C.'s Pie in the Sky quilt pattern!!!!

Karen also finished a top using Red Pepper Quilts's pickle dish variation tutorial and the new Denyse Schmidt line. She has misgivings, but I think it's awesome looking!

She's also made this cutie for charity, Mini Charming, based on Denyse Schmidt's Big Charming quilt pattern:

Rossie has an adorable new quilt pattern, the Happy Houses Quilt available from Birch fabrics (and a snazzy new website!)

Rossie has also made a rainbow quilt block:

I think it may be the year of rainbow quilts!

Debbie has a new version of her Turnstile Quilt on her blog, Water Wheel:

Debbie has one quilt finished for charity, Triple Treat. I love the tonal variation here:

She also performed an interesting experiment about straightline quilting.

Brenda has a new pattern in Modern Patchwork called Bento Box:

Love that cool color palette!

Brenda was also a guest on the Modern Sewciety Podcast episode #69. And you should all check that out!

Kathy S. has done some embellishment on the quilt Caroline made her in last year's secret stalker swap:

 Kathy also has posted a refresher on machine binding quilts.

Actually, Kathy, being our most prolific blogger always has tons of interesting stuff, and I have to skim, but I love this quilt and here's a series on improv, parts 1, 2, and 3. But really, you should just read her blog.

Cherie's been working on an English paper piecing project inspired by a Sarah Fielke pattern, Jazz Hands, from the book Material Obsession 2:

Lynn is also making progress on her English paper piecing projects, she's doing La Passacaglia from the book Millefiori Quilts:

And I managed to finish one of my ongoing English paper piecing projects, a pillow cover:

I also shared my two warped double wedding ring mini quilts, though for brevity's sake, I'll show you one and just give you a link for the other:

Pam L made these neat blocks for a bee:

And that's all from me! Happy sewing!