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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Meeting Minutes, September 2019

Ann Arbor Modern Quilt Guild, Minutes, September 25th, 2019

  • Erin Harris' class was great. Several people said that they learned more than they expected to, and the the Make Your Own Medallion book was a good resources for resized block pieces.
  • We are considering going down to just one class per year, as registration hasn't been as high as we'd expect. There will be a survey sent to membership about class interests / likes / dislikes.
  • We still expect to have classes with Rossie and Latifah Saafir in 2020. We will look for guild feedback on which Latifah class to host.
  • Winter retreat is full.
  • Waitlist is available, use the original sign up form if you're interested.
  • If people have not paid by October 15th, we will go to waitlist.
  • We will have quilts hanging in the Ford Presidential Library this December, like last year. If you are one of the 12 people showing quilts, please bring them to the guild meeting in October. Sherrie will be taking this on behalf of Tara.
  • The sew-in on October 13th is our make-a-long for the Sew Together Bag.
  • You don't need to sew this bag to come to the sew-in, but we'll be helping each other along through the steps.
Location Change!
  • We are looking for alternate locations for our November and December meetings due to holiday schedule conflicts.
  • Maggie is looking into a holiday party scene for the December meeting.
  • Pre-cut blocks seem to be a hit for making charity quilts. Many people brought back geese and Jackie distributed some new pre-cuts to be sewn.
  • Jackie also distributed 12 baby and lap quilts to guild member for quilting. Wow!
  • If you bring back any quilted charity quilt in October, you get entered into a special drawing.
  • We went over the board's email about the charity text quilt for QuiltCon. These was some confusion about whether the two text options both counted in the 75%. The board will review the results and share with the group next week.
Round Robin
Pincushion swap
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Friday, September 6, 2019

A2MQG Meeting Minutes, August 2019

Ann ArborModern Quilt Guild
August 28, 2019

  • Upcoming classes for 2019
    • Erin Harris - Build your own medallion class, Sept 14th - 6 hour class - cost member $75, non-members $85. Sign ups are open and we have 11 people signed up so far. 
      • Enrollment now open to non-members as well 
      • If you planned to pay by check Cheryl will stick around after to collect those
      • Erin will be bringing books for anyone who needs one. 
      • ***please bring 12-½ inch center medallion complete to class (ideas can be found in Erin’s book as well as online or other books)
      • Supply list will be sent to those registered soon.
    • April 2020 - Rossie Hutchinson - improv
    • 04 October 2020 - Latifah Saafir.. She has a lot of great class offerings. 
      • DAMqg will partner with us for the weekend event

 Will be sending survey for instructor interests; 1 vs. 2 workshops/year (to make certain we fill enrollment)

  • Winter 2020 retreat - January 24-26 at Creative Passions in Chesaning
    • Sign up will begin August/September as deposit is due in October - cost ~$140
Quilt Show
  • Tara is once again organizing a show for us at the Ford Presidential Library in Ann Arbor. 
    • We have 12 quilts for the show. One more would be a good addition as a backup.
    • Tara needs to receive your quilt by the first week of November - you can give the quilts to Sherri at the October meeting or make arrangements with Tara.
    • The show will be open mid-November through December.  (will be back to you sometime in January - hopefully no surprises!)
  • Dearborn Festival of Quilts Oct 11-12, $5 admission. The deadline to submit a quit is Oct 2 to submit quilt information to go into the book and then Quilt Delivery Oct 7. 
    • May be an option for a group display in future
  • AQS in Grand Rapids - several members attending the August event with positive feedback, including Maria Shell’s class on curves and circles
  • AUG - Sunday, Aug 18 - Charity sew-in.  a great turnout. Members expressed interest in having more of these sew-ins.
    • 6 people attended this month
    • 2 quilts tops were completed; Kathy Koch cut out flying geese, quilt kits were put together, quilts organized ready for quilting.
  • SEP - Saturday, Sep 14 - Erin Harris class
  • OCT - Sunday, Oct 13 - SEW TOGETHER
    • Might want to get the pattern and start thinking about supplies soon for the October Sew Together bag class. 
  • NOV - Saturday, Nov 9
  • DEC - Sunday, Dec 8
**Sew-in room access is typically 9-6.  Please remember to bring extension cords as outlets are limited in the rooms.

  • Jackie Mills has taken over as Charity Chair 
    • Flying geese materials given out to members for completion.  Due back to guild at September 25 meeting
  • MQG Quilt Con charity - at the last meeting it was decided not to make a quilt for Quilt Con since we didn’t have a design at the meeting.  Rossie volunteered to design a quilt and lead the group to insure we continue to participate in the annual event. Rossie will send an update to members.
    • We also discussed making a smaller quilt and basket for Grillin’, perhaps a picnic size or baby quilt.  Some people wondered how to include as many members in the construction if a smaller piece. Further discussion will take place next month.  The quilt basket will be completed to donate in late April/early May. Members are invited to submit a design for the guild to vote on.  
  • September charity block will be precut geese to take and make
    • Thanks to all who donated quilts this month!  
  • Jackie has the quilt labels.  She has them with her if you need any.

  • The annual meeting to review bylaws and vote for new board members will now take place in October, allowing for a transition period between out-going/in-coming board.  A voice vote was unanimous.
  • Sherri Potas-Garrett volunteered to run for the Membership Chair, replacing outgoing Jackie Mills.

Other business
  • We are putting together a survey that we will distribute to all members in the coming months to get a sense of what things you are most interested in to help us with planning the next couple of years. 

MQG updates 

  • Quiltcon registration is open! Even if you don’t plan to go, Maggie recommends getting the free floor pass. If you decide later, you will be glad you did it. 
    • Austin Feb 20-23, featuring Victoria Findlay Wolfe
  • New Modern Monthly is out! You can access all of the resources under resources on the member dashboard as well.
  • Webinar: A Graphic Designer’s Guide to Quilt Design and Layout: How to apply design elements and principles to your quilting repertoire  AUGUST 29, 2019 8PM EDT, 4PM PDT
  • Webinar: Improv Hand Quilting with Heidi Parkes - already aired, can find the video on MQG site

Game/Activity/Discussion -  Guess Who
Library Spotlight - The library list is available on the blog. Send note to Kim or via FB page with requested books and Kim will bring to meeting. 
Skill share - Tara animal portrait raw edge applique
Round Robin/Swapenge  - Heather Lentz has taken over as the chair. 
Round robin additions were shared and pieces were exchanged for next month.
August - 2-color challenge - 4 members participated (Pam, Rossie, Mary Jo and Jackie).  Pam won the raffle.
September - Pin cushion swap.  Ann will leave walnut shells at Pink Castle for anyone who needs some to fill their cushion.
October - Secret Stalker swap.  Names were drawn with likes and fabric swatches as start
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