Sew-in on March 10: 12 - 4pm at MakerWorks.
Next Meeting's March 27- Please keep watching the blog or our facebook page for the Meeting location. We may be heading towards Pink Castle Fabric's new home!
- For the next meeting, please bring your Round Robin blocks if you are participating - and you can join in at any time! Just bring a block!
Guild Retreat: If you are interested in attending the Summer A2MQG Retreat, please read this post.
- The deposit due date was moved up to the MARCH MEETING in order to get an accurate head count for our guild members who plan on attending. Please give your $50 deposit to Ginia. If you are writing a check, please make it out to the Hankerd Inn.
- We will then open up the remaining spaces to other guilds (Toledo, Holly from Bijou Lovely, Cincinnati, Detroit...). Once the barn has reached capacity, we will close off reservations.
- Ginia will call the Hankerd Inn and determine how many beds are available in the barn. She will also see what the cost would be should those attending vote to handle their own meals.
- Once a guest list is finalized, those attending will vote on meals and organize transportation.
- It looks like the MQG is planning another QuiltCon in 2015
- Our guild had 7 quilts in the show and was very well represented! One of Rossie's quilts will be in the traveling show!
- Craftsy has several lectures from QuiltCon posted online for free.
Non Profit Status: Our check has been cashed, but we are still waiting on formal approval from the state for becoming a Non-Profit in Michigan.
Madrona Road Challenge:
- For our challenge, make a finished quilt that is at least 120inches in perimeter.
- You can only use Madrona Road Fabrics and Michael Miller Cotton Couture Solids. This applies for the entire quilt top, and the binding. However, you can use any fabric for the backing.
- The deadline for this challenge is our April meeting - April 24
- We're looking to have another guild vote on our winner! Reaching out to the Columbus Modern Quilt Guild...
- Jen B. had obtained prizes from Moda, Pellon, Quilters Dream... and maybe more!
- There are still some fabrics available from Brenda.
- Kathy did an amazing job quilting our two quilts.
- Jen and Brenda will do binding
- Once the binding is done, we are interested in taking pictures in distinctly Ann Arbor settings.
- How should we auction these quilts? Ebay - through their charity site? Should we submit the quilts to an auction that is accepting goods for donation? If you have any ideas, please keep a look at your email for continued brainstorming.
- On Sunday, April 7 those interested in participating will travel to the Toledo Art Museum and seek out a painting from which to draw inspiration for a quilt!
Bylaws: Jenna read through the bylaws and the guild provided a couple of revisions.
- There was a vote and the bylaws were approved with the revisions unanimously.
- Our bylaws are posted on this site. Look at the tippy top! It's a page tab.
- Some highlights and benefits of guild membership:
- 501(c)3 status for individual guilds (under supervision and control of National)
- For leaders - access to a CRM management system, total website access, tracking membership, newsletters, social media, etc.
- Discounted entry fees for MQG shows, conference rate, and events
- Priority or early-bird registration for events
- Permission to use the MQG logo
- Access to MQG leaders only newsletter and forum
- Membership cards, pins, official blog button
- 10% discount on MQG merchandise purchases
Concerns were raised over obtaining 501(c)(3) status through MQG - paying MGQ every year vs. one time $400 fee. Will there be an option to join the National Guild without being under their 501(c)(3) umbrella? We do not know yet.
The MQG also said that funds earned from QuiltCon have gone towards a major revamp of the website, obtaining and maintaining CRM software, and other things!
A2MQG Library:
- A Chairperson position was created: Guild Librarian. Amy S. volunteered to be the chair, and was appointed by the Officers.
- If you are interested in donating quilting books to our guild library, please bring them to the next meeting.
- Amy will draft a Library Policy that will include the note that only A2MQG Guild Members may borrow books.
Round Robin/Swaps Chairperson Dorie asked if there was any interest in doing other swaps besides the Round Robin - there was! And she asked if we would like to do a fabric swap in April - we would! More details to follow.
ROUND ROBIN blocks were shown and rotated.
20 POINTS OF THE MODERN QUILT GUILD: The Mothership has given us 20 points to consider about Modern
Quilting. Debbie will present a point at each meeting. The point
presented at this meeting was:
QUILT HELP: Amy S. asked for advice on a layout for a quilt-top. Vicki asked for advice on how to sew parts of her fabric portfolios together.
SHOW AND SHARE: Quilts and quilt blocks were shown and received adequate praise.
'Til next time!
"Modern quilts and quilters use asymmetry in quilt design."This point was deemed true and uncontroversial.
QUILT HELP: Amy S. asked for advice on a layout for a quilt-top. Vicki asked for advice on how to sew parts of her fabric portfolios together.
SHOW AND SHARE: Quilts and quilt blocks were shown and received adequate praise.
'Til next time!