- Sew-Ins
- Board decided that Quilting Season is probably not going to work for our needs.
- Looking into Ann Arbor District Library free space - main branch downtown (see FB page for more details or contact Giedra). First sew-in set for Friday, April 8, 5:00-8:30pm. No food is allowed at this venue.
- Looking for May time frame for an all-day sew.
- A suggestion was made to look into Cleary University in Howell.
- Foodie Challenge
- Quilts are due at the May meeting
- Show is at Zingerman's from June 3-5
- Open to A2MQG members only
- There will be a pre-registration form on the FB page and here (BLOG). Need to provide an estimate of size. Due next meeting (April).
- Need volunteers to hang and label
- Membership
- Jackie has not received membership cards yet from MQG
- Email was sent to members with a PDF of member emails. Let Jackie know if you did not receive
- Pie-Making Day Challenge
- Winner was Ginia Forrester
- DAMQG and A2MQG Co-Sponsor Penny Lehman (@sewtakeahike)
- Penny will be presenting a paper-piecing class in concert with her teaching at GlampStitchaLot.
- Wednesday, June 1, 10am-2pm, Location in Canton - Cost: $45
- Attendees will receive a Faygo and Guild logos in order to complete their project which is a hot pad
- Each guild gets 10 spots - first come, first served. If you want to attend let Giedra know immediately. However, spots will be saved by check received by her - it won't hold your spot to just say your intent.
- Giedra is working on getting Chris Thomson (the Tattooed Quilter) to give a class in early fall. It will probably be a one day class on one of these dates > Sep 10-11, Sep 17-18 or Oct 15-16. We will not be hosting Lizzy House at present due to cost and too fast a turnaround to find a suitable location.
- Giedra would like members to give her ideas on what they want to learn - what she should be looking for when bringing in national or local teachers.
- Retreats
- Amanda is working with Giedra on ideas for bringing in teachers to a retreat
- Still looking at possible dates for Late June thru August
- Ideas for location include Hankerd Inn, St. Johns retreat in Plymouth, Howell Nature Preserve, or Creative Passions (which is almost to Birch Run)
- Guild is re-instituting a snack sign-up for the social 1/2 hour before the meeting. We need volunteers for next meeting.
- The Board is looking into doing the Hwy 12 / Michigan Ave Yard Sale. We can use Jackie's yard, but she will be out of town.
- Charity Quilts - Amy S bought a box and added some fabric to start for kits or backs. A suggestion was made to have a 'pass along' project where someone signs up for cutting, someone else piecing, sewing, quilting, binding... We will be able to promote the sale of the eBay auctions at the Foodie Challenge - Zingerman's will have a space for signage (not big enough to show the quilts themselves). The Board plans on future charity projects to just donate the entire quilt to the charity to let them auction it themselves.
- Library
- We are taking advantage of Pink Castle's book sale and will be purchasing approximately 6 modern quilt related books for the guild library. Debbie G noted that she and other get a discount with Fons & Porter (F&W publishing) plus several members have wholesale accounts (e.g., Checker) where they can purchase books often at 40% discount.
- There is a book missing from the library - if anyone knows the where-abouts of Kathy Schmidt's "Rule Breaking Quilts", let Kim know.
- It was also suggested that members follow various blog hops to attempt to win books for the library
- Anyone with good modern quilting books they no longer need, please feel free to donate
- Member Spotlight - Amy Stevenson ; next month - Kim Ulrich
- Skill School - Cheryl Smallwood demo'd Board Basting
- Swap
- Favorite Tool Yankee swap was held
- next month - Up-cycle Challenge: bring something made by upcycling (e.g., using clothing, vintage linens, bag hardware) - does not need to be a quilt but does need to be 'sewn'
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Koch
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