Happy New Year, friends!
The meeting was held at Maker Works with 14 members and 1 guest in person, and 3 members via Zoom.
Retreat: The retreat was held the weekend before the meeting and a good time was had by all! Big thanks to Creative Passions for another wonderful retreat!
Dues: Reminder that annual dues are due now. Please go to the link at the right and fill out the form and submit payment. We will be cutting off access to emails and social media in January to those who have not renewed.
Round Robin participants shared their progress.
Swaps/Challenges: This month's challenge was the HESITANT SHARERS CHALLENGE - a challenge for anyone who has not shared a quilt or project in the last 6 months to get up and share their work. It was so nice to see the great pieces from our members!
- Our MQG Community Challenge Quilt was shipped to (and received by) QuiltCon!
- We had some great charity finishes this month! Continue to get those charity quilts to Carol and peruse our collection of kits to take home and put together, or make your own!
- We will have a sew-in on 3/30 at Maker Works! Bring your projects and do some social sewing together!
- April 6th will be our Voltron Quilt Zoom class with Irene Roderick! The class is currently full but you can get on the waitlist in case some folks drop out.
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