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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

A2MQG Meeting Minutes, February 2022

 The February meeting was held via Zoom with 15 members and one guest in attendance.

Secretary/Webmaster: Note that we have changed the Zoom link for meetings. The link was sent to members via email.

Treasurer: Amy has sent in our tax reporting and is working with MQG on paying for our membership.

Programs: We still don't have something totally nailed down but are hoping to have around 3-4 lectures this year during meetings and classes.  The Board will be meeting this next month so hopefully we will have something to report at the next meeting.

Library: Members shared some books they are reading or purchased.  We also reminded everyone that the list of borrowable books are on the website and we will make arrangements to make a hand off as needed.

Swaps/Challenges: Reminder that this quarter our challenge is to complete a UFO.  There will be a show and share and drawing at the March meeting. 

Retreats: The January retreat at Creative Passions was a great success.  Carol reported that there was a lot of room to spread out and attendees had a lot of fun and got a lot of projects completed.


  • Members met at the N.E.W. center to work on charity quilts this last Sunday. One top was completed and another almost done.  Jackie hopes to continue having these face-to-face (mask-to-mask) sew-ins quarterly to put together or create blocks vs. having the quarterly block projects.  Kathy noted to just let her know dates and she will reserve the space.  
  • Brenda has quite a few finished quilts for Mott's Children's Center and The Veteran's Hospital which were on hold due to the pandemic.  She will be checking with them this week to see if things have opened back up enough to donate.
  • Food Gatherers has announced the date of their Grillin event as June 12.  We usually donate a quilt to auction.  The board will need to decide if we are going to resurrect the Polaroid quilt we'd worked on or use the MQG Community Outreach Quilt.

QuiltCon:  Several members attended QuiltCon in Phoenix this last week.  Our Community Outreach Quilt was on display.  Hopefully members will share if they had quilts in the show and we can showcase them on our social media pages.

Upcoming Events of Interest:  We shared several quilt shows that are coming up over the next few months that members might be interested in.  They include the Faculty Women's Club on March 6-15, The Bay Heritage Society quilt show in Bay City in May, and the Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild's bi-annual quilt show in July.  The events have been posted on our Facebook page but we also will start putting them on our Google Calendar (also accessible via FB).  If members know of shows or quilt-related events, they should email the Board and we will post them.

Sew-Ins:  The guild still casually (drop-ins) meets on Tuesday evenings for a Zoom sew-in from 7-9pm.

Show and Share - here are some of the quilt photos sent in for show and share.  Members also showed via Zoom but those aren't captured here:



Next meeting: Wednesday, March 30th

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