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Monday, April 8, 2013

Joining the National MQG - Pros and Cons

The Modern Quilt Guild is opening membership to the local branches.   We would like to vote on this issue at the May 2013 meeting.  Please read the pros and cons below, and if you are a member of the A2MQG, you will soon receive an email survey.  Please also complete that survey and continue this discussion in the comments.

  • Being a part of the exciting Modern Quilting movement, with the support of the MotherShip and other local guilds.
  • MQG Website Access - connecting us with the MotherShip and all other local MQG branches
    • Staying connected to this community is extra valuable to those who have quilt-related businesses
    • Another way to stay plugged in to Modern Quilting trends and developments, as well as another venue where new skills can be learned.
  • 501(c)3 status under the umbrella of the MQG
  • The ability to be protected under the MQG insurance.
  • Participation in challenges similar to Madrona Road and the Kona Cotton challenges - fabric provided by the MQG.
  • All MQG branches will get first-wave opportunities for reserving spaces at events and functions before reservations and ticket sales are open to the public. 
  • Discounted rates on MQG merchandise
  • A vote in future board elections
  • Permitted to enter quilts into the MQG showcases
  • A cost of $250 for our guild at our current membership size.  
    • $15 per person - is this cost worth the benefits for the majority of our members?
    • Little fear of losing touch with the MQG online community, thanks to other social media forums and blogs.
  • Concerns about being under the umbrella of another organizations 501(c)3 status.
    • Guilds that have 501(c)(3) status through the national guild and would then be under "direct supervision and control" of the national organization and could be subject to audit. 
  • Are we comfortable joining when there are still so many questions?  When will elections be held for the MQG?  How will those elections work? What will the website look like?  Will everyone use it and will it be easy to understand?  Will there be enough MQG functions that are affordable enough and convenient enough for our members to participate? 
Further Ideas:
  • If we choose to join, the easiest way to manage the cost would be to increase our current dues by $15 and ask members who have already paid to chip-in an additional $15. 
  • In regards to the cost, we could potentially cover our fee through a fundraiser if there are enough members concerned about paying the fees out of pocket. 
  • We could deduct the cost from our current paid dues, but that may delay our website development and our ability to host lectures or classes throughout the rest of the year. 
  • We could attempt a Two-Tier membership scenario where those who wanted to opt-out of joining the MQG could remain members of the A2MQG at no additional cost.  Those who wanted to join the MQG would pay the fees and get access to the privileges.
    • Would this be difficult to operate?  Would it be off-putting or isolating to our lower tier members? 
If you have thoughts or comments, please leave a comment below.  Members of the A2MQG have been sent an email survey to gauge our current interest in this issue.



  1. Hi! Is our budget for the year available to look at? I'd love to see before I respond. (Sadly, I missed that meeting.)

  2. Is the $250 membership fee a onetime expense or annual?
    I like the idea of being under the umbrella of the mother ship with all it benefits and social aspects. However, an annual charge of $250 seems high to me, especially, since we are such a small guild. Is there a mechanism for providing feedback about that to the mother ship?
    Could we review our guild’s budget at the April meeting? Perhaps, it would be possible to split the cost with a portion coming out of the dues already paid and the remainder from an additional charge to the members.


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