It's been a while since we've had a Blog Round-Up here on the site, so let's get to it!
Debbie has this very nice bee block to show...
And check out her lovely bias-strip pillow cover!
Emily has been making some adorable bunnies...
Ginia has learned how to appraise quilts and has a wonderful post examining this 19th century blanket...
She also has made two adorable quilts for baby girls. There's this one...
and this one!
I have this HST quilt ready for summer!
Natalie made this quilt for her (lucky!) academic adviser...
and this fresh Green Squares Improv Baby quilt...
Lynn has these adorable people blocks...
and she is killing me dead with the cuteness of these Pixie Hats.
Ashley has been designing fabric for Spoonflower - love it!
Ronit has this awesome circle quilt...
And this fantastic Berry Lime quilt...
and these sweet blocks!
A very productive group as usual. I miss you ladies!!