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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Meeting Minutes from July 25, 2012

Another wonderful meeting!  Here are the minutes...

Next Meeting: August 29 at 6:30pm at MakerWorks.  Bring a sewn item inspired by Lucienne Day if you'd like to participate in the swap.   Ginia will do a casual lecture discussing what makes a quilt valuable and hold its value, as well as showing us some antique quilts.
Photo from HERE.

No Sew-In in August due to the Retreat.

Hey it's Ronit's birthday on Friday and she brought Ice Cream Cake!

Old Business:
  • Sewing Retreat: Attendees can now sign-up for dishes to bring or cleaning sessions.  More information HERE.
  • Screen Printing - Rossie has obtained the silk screens, the ink, and the brushes.  There will be an event on Wednesday, August 1 at 6:30pm where Rossie will teach us how to screen print t-shirts, fabric, or bags (or whatever).  Location is TBD.  Please bring whatever you'd like screen-printed, and $3-$5 to cover expenses.  More information HERE.  

New Business:
  • Thia (sp?) from MakerWorks is looking for teachers for classes.  Have an idea of a class you could teach?  Contact MakerWorks and you'll be emailed more information. 

Show and Tell was nice!

The swap of Piet Mondrian fabrics occurred, as well as more bargain bin shopping for fat-eighths, to much rejoicing.

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