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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cincinnati Options

So here are two possible options:
Option 1
Leave Friday, April 13 approx 8 am
arrive Waynesville/Fabric Shack just before noon
eat lunch
shop at Fabric Shack until  2 or 2:30
arrive Sewn by 3 or 3:30
leave Sewn at 5 (they close at 5)
go to hotel/have dinner/have fun

Saturday, April 14 - show all day

Sunday, April 15 - possible to go back to show and/or Fabric Shack, then go home
The show is open til 7 on Friday night (and Sat night) and from 10-3 on Sunday - admission is $10 per day or $25 for all three days.  Fabric Shack is open 12-5 on Sunday.

Option 2
Leave sometime Friday afternoon and just get ourselves to the hotel.
go to Sewn at 10, leave by 11:30 or 12
go to show from 12 or so on.
possibly return to show in morning but leave by 1
arrive at Fabric Shack by 2
leave Fabric Shack by 3:30 or 4
arrive home by 8.

Costs:  For 4 people in a hotel room (2 double beds) the cost would be $66 hotel, approx $25 for gas, $10 show ticket = about $100 plus food at about $120 for three days totals $220.  Having only two people in a hotel room would add $66 total to your trip.  I based hotel costs on the Milennium Hotel since it was the cheapest and it is across the street from the show.  When I tried the online reservations it said there were no quad rooms left, but I called and they said quads were still available.

I have a slight preference for Option 1 since it gives us all day Saturday for the show.  The last time I went to this show when it was in Chicago, I was there for about 5-6 hours, whipped through the vendors and still only got to about half of them.

We should try to make our decisions soon as the hotel will fill up and it just makes it more complicated if we are farther from the show.  Either leave comments to this post if you have questions or email me.

I can't wait!  Debbie


  1. I like Option 1! I'm in :D

  2. Can't make it this year... we'll probably be going to Seattle around the time of the Cincy show.


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