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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A2MQG Meeting Minutes May 2024


The meeting was held at Maker Works on May 29th with 12 members in person and 6 members via Zoom.

MQG Community Outreach Quilt: This year's QuiltCon community outreach quilt theme is "Lines and Bars" and the color palette was revealed!

Round Robin: Want to get involved? Bring a bag with fabric and some instructions (as specific or non-specific as you like!) and cut on in! It's never too late to join our Round Robin fun! Check our guidelines to see how it works!

Swaps/Challenges:  No swap or challenge this month!

CharityContinue to get those charity quilts to Carol and peruse our collection of kits to take home and put together, or make your own! 

Demonstration/Skill Share:  Kathy showed us how to use glue to secure binding! It's a super great and easy way to baste your binding to your quilt for sewing!

Show and Share:  The Board would like to ask members to limit (if possible) the number of show and shares to no more than 2 quilts. We want to see your work! Don't forget to bring those finishes (and WIPs!) to show off to your quilty pals! Check out all our great shares on Instagram!!

Next meeting: Wednesday, June 26th at Maker Works! See you there!

Next month's swap: Secret Mini Swap! The June meeting will hold the presentation of the secret swap!! This event is a guild fav!
July: Color Palette Challenge! Come to the June meeting to learn more!

Upcoming Events: 

Sunday, June 23rd - A2MQG Dye Day with Kathy Schmidt! Check your email for a signup form!

Date TBA - Sew Together Bag Sew-In! 

November 9th - FMQ Class (details to be announced)

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