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Monday, February 18, 2019

January meeting (held February 6, 2019)

The January meeting was postponed until February 6th due to inclement weather.  February meeting will still be Feb. 27.

  • Sunday, February 10, Kathy will give a paper piecing class at NEW.  There are currently 8 members signed up.
  • Saturday, April 13, Guicy Guice class and trunk show: The trunk show will be held at Pink Castle Fabrics in the morning and will be free to all guild members.  The class will be in the afternoon at NEW and is limited to 20 members (see email or FB for signup information).
  • Saturday, September 14, Erin Harris will give her medallion class.  Sign-up information will follow later in the year.  Note that this will be a 6-hour class and will have prep work required since Erin usually teaches this in a two-day class.  You will also need to purchase her book, "Make Your Own Medallion".
  • 2020 classes are in the works.  Some brainstormed ideas include Heather Jones or our own Rossie for an improv class.  Let Brenda RG know if you have other ideas. 
  • This is also the year for the Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild's "Quilt University"  See their website for more information:  https://www.gaaqg.com/our-events/quilt-university/
  • Spring Retreat is set for May 3-5.  The event is full, but you can still get your name on the waitlist in case anyone drops out.  This retreat will be held in Tecumseh at Artistry on Evans.
  • Next year we will be going back to a January (winter) retreat.  We have reserved Creative Passions for the weekend of January 24th. 
  • Mar 9 - May 19 - Jun 8 - Jul 14 - Aug 18 - Oct 13 - Nov 9 - Dec 8
  • The board has ascertained that we can't carry over unused meeting days from month to month with NEW, but the board still plans on cancelling any sew-ins that do not have three members signed up by the monthly meeting date prior (e.g., for March 9 sew-in, we need at least three members signed up by Feb. 27 and currently as of this writing, there is just one).
  • It was suggested that we post who is attending (signed-up) for each sew-in.  The concern seems to be less 'who' and more 'how many' so that someone isn't going to make the event be cancelled for everyone else.  Our incoming Secretary will look into that. 
  • Members were reminded that the sign-up form is available off the FB group page (there is a linked topic "Sew-Ins" as well as in an email that went out earlier this year.  Contact the board if you need more information.
  • QuiltCon quilt has been mailed.  A snapshot of our quilt was one of six featured on the MQG monthly newsletter. 
  • Members took advantage of our winter shut-in and completed 30 plus blocks!  This is enough for a twin quilt for Ozone.  Jackie M volunteered to put the blocks together.  
  • Next month's block will continue the Plus theme but the color scheme will be low volume background with a bright color plus.
Treasurer:  a budget and report was presented.  We are doing well.

MQG: we have 8 or more members attending QuiltCon.  It was suggested that everyone does a meet up when there (possibly use an app called "Group Me" to coordinate).  The block of the month is "X Canvas" and there is a webinar on how to design quilts using different electronic tools.

The guild reviewed the bylaws by playing 'bylaw bingo'.

Elections for new officers were held. The results are:
  • President: Maggie Wilkin
  • Vice-President Membership: Jackie Mills
  • Vice-President Programs: Brenda Rowley-Gray
  • Treasurer: Cheryl Smallwood
  • Secretary/Webmaster: Dorie Schwarz
Library Spotlight:  Kim U has created a digital catalog for our library collection.  Checked out books will be done on her app (so no more library checkout cards).  She will make a pdf that can be posted on the website.  In addition, she would like recommendations for books we should weed out from the collection.

Monthly Features:
  • Member Spotlight: Katie Baker
  • Swaps: there was a FQ swap;  next month's will be a zipper pouch
  • Round Robin

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