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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

January 27, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Old Business:

  • Riley Blake Challenge - looks like we don't have anyone in the Guild participating. Let the Board know if this is not the case (fabric will be shipped to Guilds only).
  • QuiltCon - Dorie & Rossie attending (anyone else?). Rossie promises to give the Guild quilts in attendance her attention and possibly take photos.
  •  Winter Retreat (Amanda Coulter)
    • Was held at Hankerd Inn on Jan. 14.
    • A good time was had by all!
    • Amanda will send a survey out to ask for feedback and other location options (e.g., St. Johns).
    • Jan (Hankerd) would like to have guilds register for a particular weekend (e.g., 3rd weekend every January)
  • Quilt Show (Ellen Frank) 
    • Ellen would like photos of your quilts since UofM will want to see them to decide on the space. Submission would probably be in February.  Email Ellen erfrank23@gmail.com as soon as possible with photo, size, brief description and/or any questions you have.
    • Also continue to send her ideas for other locations/venues.

New Business:

  • New Board Officers were elected and new/continuing Volunteer Chair Positions announced
    • President: Amy Diebold
    • Vice-President Programs: Giedra Bowser
    • Vice-President Membership: Jackie Mills
    • Secretary/Webmaster: Kathy Koch
    • Treasurer: Amy Stevenson
    • Librarian: Kim Ulrich
    • Swaps: Emily Schildhouse (and Melissa West)
    • Charities: Karen Burton
    • Retreats: Amanda Coulter
  • ByLaws were reviewed
    • Suggested revision (the Board will discuss and possibly present at a future meeting)
      • Change "Members are allowed access to the Guild Flickr Group."  ...to....
      • "Members are allowed access to the Guild Social Media Group(s)."
  •  Library Report (Kim U.)
    • New Librarian so no books to preview.  Contact Kim if you want to see any particular ones at next meeting.
  • Member Spotlight - no member spotlight this month
  • Skill School - no skill school this month
  • Swaps (Emily S.)
    • Let Emily know if you have swap ideas.
    • Next Month (Feb) - "Inspired by QuiltCon" Challenge
      • Can be this year or last
      • Anything that inspires you
      • Small - 10x10" or smaller
      • Rossie will bring a prize from QuiltCon
      • We will vote on best at the meeting - (Gentle Readers: if you can't be there we won't hold the voting off, but you can send your quilt-let in with someone else.)
  • Round Robin (Emily S.)
    • Agreed to start this back up again next month
    • Let Emily know if you are participating
    • See http://a2mqg.blogspot.com/p/a2mqg-round-robin-guidelines-how-it.html on blog for how it works
  • Kathy K brought extra batting from her business to be taken away to be used for whatever (charity quilts, your own projects).
  • Quilt Babies
    • Congrats to Amy Diebold on the birth of her son on Quilt Meeting Day. Wesley Christopher was born on 1/27 at 11:02am, 11lbs 6 oz, 22in.  
    • Also to Karen Burton who's grandbaby was born just in time for her to miss the Winter Retreat
  •  Membership
    • Cards from National MQG will arrive after Jackie files our membership.
    • Members would like to see an updated roster - asking that Jackie sends something out to registered guild members
  • Saturday Sew-Ins (and/or One Day 9am-9pm Retreats)
    •  Still looking for a free or inexpensive place to hold
  •  Other business
    • Amy Stevenson and others offered to bring their die cutters if members want to hang around after the meetings and cut up fabric.  See the Facebook page for her list of dies.

Respectfully submitted,  
Kathy Koch

(Please let me know if you notice any errors or omissions. --kk)

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