Next Sew-In: October 16 - Thursday, from 5:00pm - 9:00pm at Pink Castle Fabrics (on Plaza Drive) Book your space!
Next Meeting: October 29 at 6:30pm. Book your space! This meeting MAY take place at Pink Castle Fabrics' new location! Keep an eye out for an announcement.
- Dues are due at the October meeting.
- Deposits for the January retreat are due at the October meeting.
Old Business
- Dues need to be paid at or before our meeting in October. Payments go to Rossie. It is $35 for the year. Checks payable to Ann Arbor Modern Quilt Guild. To request to pay by Paypal, which is $37, see Rossie.
- Pink Castle is moving mid October. New location is behind Big George’s on Stadium.
- Secret Stalker Swap - Due October! To participate in this you had to have signed up in the September meeting.
- Crayon Challenge Quilts are due in November. Any member can still participate! Please bring a fat quarter with you to the meeting. The winner (as picked by our members via an email blind vote)
- Update from Jenna, our QuiltCon chair: It's time to look for flights! Jenna will email those who said they are attending and we will communicate with each other re: hotel rooms and flight information.
- The Winter A2MQG Retreat will be January 29 - February 1. Deposits will be collected at our October meeting. Please keep an eye-out for an email from Ginia if you're planning on attending.
- Quilt Con Charity Quilts: Members signed up at the September meeting. There are two groups making quilts. The A2MQG Board granted each group a one yard bundle of Quilt Con Colors in solid fabrics.
- Please bring progress (quilt blocks!) to the October meeting.
- Quilt tops should be completed by mid-November.
- The Mothership says the quilts need to be finished by January 3rd.
- By January 14th, the MQG will do a blog post showing process photos.
New Business
- Lets have a One-Day Retreat! October 4 - Saturday - 9am - 9pm at Pink Castle Fabrics. Book your space and bring $20 for food.
- Nominations for leadership positions are still being gathered. We will vote at the January meeting.
- Peg dropped of some of our charity quilts at Motts Childrens' Hospital and they were very thankful!
- Make quilts for Motts or the Vets: 36" x 48" (or 42") blankets.
Member Profile: Kathy was featured! Next meeting we will learn about Anna G!
Skill School: Future skill school suggestions were gathered.
Round Robin: thank you those who joined in!
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