Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 25th - 6:30pm Meeting at Maker Works
Next Sew-In: **SATURDAY**, April 7th 12-4 at Maker Works
What to bring for the next meeting: The Yankee Swap for the April 25th meeting is on the theme of "Frank Lloyd Wright"--use some fabric and your imagination to make a little something for our exchange!
Next Sew-In: **SATURDAY**, April 7th 12-4 at Maker Works
What to bring for the next meeting: The Yankee Swap for the April 25th meeting is on the theme of "Frank Lloyd Wright"--use some fabric and your imagination to make a little something for our exchange!
We welcomed two new members: Karen and Nancy!
There was a discussion about possible dates for the upcoming sewing retreat, as the last weekend of June was not available. We discussed cooking for ourselves (potluck style) and Brenda is going to confirm that the venue has air conditioning.
We agreed as a guild to volunteer to construct a charity quilt out of the extra blocks made for the QuiltCon Block Challenge.
We discussed selling as a guild at craft shows this summer: potentially the Artisan Market in Kerrytown?
Looks like the binding tutorial has been removed but I found an archive of it here (just give the loading screen a few seconds.)